
Baixar livros do MinhaBiblioteca

Primary LanguageShell

Forked from https://github.com/mrrootsec/vitalsource_downloader

Adaptação do original para utilizar com o Minha Biblioteca


This script downloads images from an online book resource in the JPEG format. To use the script, set the ISBN number of the book in the script. The script downloads each image by sending an HTTP GET request and saving the response in a JPEG file. The user can specify the start and end page numbers as command line arguments.

How to use

To use the script, follow these steps:

  1. Open the script in a text editor.
  2. Set the ISBN number of the book in the script (line 5).
  3. Use the cookies.txt extension to download the cookies from your browser and save the cookies.txt file in the same folder as this script.
  4. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where the script is saved.
  5. Type chmod +x minhabiblioteca_downloader.sh to make the script executable.
  6. Type ./minhabiblioteca_downloader.sh <start_page> <end_page + 1> where <start_page> and <end_page> are the page numbers of the book images to download.

For example, to download pages 1 to 9, type ./minhabiblioteca_downloader.sh 1 10

Note: the script will create a directory named after the ISBN number of the book in the same directory where the script is run. If the directory already exists, the script will continue downloading images to that directory.

After downloading all images you can convert it to pdf using img2pdf tool by following command

img2pdf $(ls $folder_name/*.jpg | sort -n) -o "$folder_name.pdf"