
CubZ C++ networking library providing UDP/TCP client / server using Protobuf and Boost ASIO

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

C++ Library for network communications

DISCLAIMER: This repository is not yet functional. It will be soon.


This library is part of our end of studies project called CubZ.

Update submodules

Before compiling the library using the respective build.sh or GenerateVSSolution.bat script, you need
to update the submodules.
If you are on Linux:

    git submodule sync --recursive
    git submodule update --init --remote --merge

You can use the same parameters using TortoiseGit on Windows.

Windows third part library compilation

Please follow https://gitlab.com/cubz/LibNetworks/wikis/Compilation

Library compilation


  • Execute the script in the directory scripts/windows
  • This script is meant to be call from the directory (read the script for more information)
  • You will find the proto and cubznetworks lib in the lib directory


  • You will find the scripts in the scripts/linux directory
  • Execute initRepo.sh
  • Execute build.sh
  • Libs are in build/lib

Windows third part library compilation (DEPRECATED)

The instructions bellow are DEPRECATED, and keep for maintenance purposes:

    /yourBoostRootDir> ./boostrap
    /yourBoostRootDir> ./b2.exe --toolset=msvc variant=release link=static threading=multi runtime-link=static address-model=64 stage
  • To use this library with HoloLens application, you will need the 32 bits version.
    /yourBoostRootDir> ./b2.exe --toolset=msvc variant=release link=static threading=multi runtime-link=shared architecture=x86 stage
  • Define the env variable BOOST_ROOT with the path to your boost directory as value


You can contact me on Twitter @oxydros, or via e-mail oxydros at gmail.