

Trying to learn Python Django web engine frameworks on the go, by following the YouTube tutorials.

Development Software & Tools I'm Using

  • Python 3.9.4
  • PyCharm
  • Sqlite3 (via Python)


  • This GitHub repository does not consider cybersecurity measurements (including XSS/database query attacks)

Bugs to be fixed

  • Login with a dummy account and password causes no such column: auth_user.last_login~~ fixed as it seems.
  • Had to modify Django auth model from local computer 'C:\\Python39\\lib\\site-packages\\django\\contrib\\auth\\migrations\\'. This may not work on other computers/servers.
  • Registration causes django.urls.exceptions.NoReverseMatch: Need to modify soon.

To be completed

  • Improve HTML/CSS appearance


  • Also first time learning how to configure the GitHub workflow.yml