
Python project which provides a skeleton you can add to your project to take advantage of the Python ConfigParser.

Primary LanguagePython

Python ConfigParser Template

This python project provides a skeleton you can add to your project to take advantage of the Python ConfigParser.


  • config_controller.py: A module for reading and writing to the ini files.
  • examples.py: Examples of how to use/manipulate your configuration file.
  • configuration/app.ini: An example ini file you can edit to meet your requirements or use as a template for your own configuration files.

How To Use

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Copy the contents into your project.
  3. Use the app.ini file as a template to create your own configuration files.
  4. Import the config_controller module into your application when you need to interact with your configuration files.
  5. Look below for a basic example of how to use this skeleton project or example.py for more detailed examples.

Usage Example

import config_controller

config_file = "app.ini"
app_config = config_controller.init_config(config_file)

# get float value
version_number = app_config.getfloat("about", "version")

# update the log level
app_config.set("log", "log_level", "INFO")

# update the configuration file with the new value