
How to enable HTTPS protocol on live server Visual Code

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How to enable HTTPS protocol on live server Visual Code

First you will need a self-signed SSL Certificate. If you don’t know how to create a self-signed SSL Certificate goto https://www.akadia.com/services/ssh_test_certificate.html and follow the steps. [Note: If you are using Visual Code in windows, download OpenSSL and continue the process.]

After you have the private key and certificate:

  • Go to your visual code project.

  • Create .vscode folder inside the project. ( Don’t forget the . (period) ).

  • Inside that folder create settings.json file.

  • Paste the following code:

    "enable": true, //set it true to enable the feature.  
    "cert": "D:\\https\\primary.crt", //full path of the certificate  
    "key": "D:\\https\\private.key", //full path of the private key  
    "passphrase": "12345"  
  • Start the Live Server and access your project using HTTPS