
Primary LanguageHTML


Create Secret_Key from

import secrets secrets.token_hex(16) provides16bytesofsecret

  1. Created a dir
  2. Created the App
  3. export FLASK-APP=app.py # this needs to be run from the folder
  4. export FLASK_DEBUG=1
  5. created templates folder
  6. created a simple index.html
  7. created a base.html
  8. created a simple about, blog, contact html page
  9. created a login page
  10. add import render_template in app.py
  11. added return render_template('file.html') for each route for each route i app.py
  12. added dumy data as a list of dictionaries to add to the blog post template
  13. changed the blog.html to have a ist of posts
  14. added 'if title' for all pages
  15. added bootstrap
  16. added nav bar
  17. Added static folder
  18. Added import url_for in app.py