
E-Commerce web app built in golang, with Fiber as backend, NextJS as frontend and PostgreSQL as database.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Development Mode


Step 1 => go run main.go Database migrations is done in this step.

Step 2 => go run database/seeder/seeder.go Seed the database.

Step 3 => go run main.go Run the backend in Dev mode.


Step 1 => cd front Change current directory to front.

Step 2 => npm i Install npm dependencies.

Step 3 => npm run dev Run the frontend in Dev mode.

Production Mode


Step 1 => go run main.go Migrations is done in this step.

Step 2 => go build To Build the app.

Step 3 => ./'NameOfTheApp' Run the backend in Prod mode.


Step 1 => cd front Change current directory to front.

Step 2 => npm i Install npm dependencies.

Step 3 => npm run build Build frontend.

Step 4 => npm run start Run the frontend in Prod mode.