MembershipType type = MembershipType.PLAYSTATION;
DestinyApiClient destinyApiClient = new DestinyApiClient(request, type);
// Returns a list of Destiny memberships given a full Gamertag or PSN ID
// Returns the numerical id of a player based on their display name, zero if not found.
destinyApiClient.getMembershipId(displayName, ignorecase)
// Returns Destiny account information for the supplied membership in a compact summary form.
destinyApiClient.getAccountSummary(membershipId, withDefinitions);
// Gets historical stats definitions.
// Retrieve the inventory for the supplied character.
destinyApiClient.getCharacterActivities(membershipId, characterId);
// Provides the progression details for the supplied character.
destinyApiClient.getCharacterProgression(membershipId, characterId);
// Returns summary information for the inventory for the supplied character.
destinyApiClient.getCharacterInventory(membershipId, characterId);
// Gets activity history stats for indicated character.
destinyApiClient.getActivityHistoryStats(membershipId, characterId, count, page, mode, withDefinitions);
// Gets all activities the character has participated in together with aggregate statistics for those activities.
destinyApiClient.getAggregateActivityStats(membershipId, characterId, withDefinitions);
// Returns information about all items on the for the supplied Destiny Membership ID, and a minimal set of character information so that it can be used.
destinyApiClient.getAccountItems(membershipId, withDefinitions);
// Gets aggregate historical stats organized around each character for a given account.
destinyApiClient.getAccountStats(membershipId, groups);
// Gets details about unique weapon usage, including all exotic weapons.
destinyApiClient.getUniqueWeaponsStats(membershipId, characterId, withDefinitions);
// Provides Triumphs for a given Destiny account.
destinyApiClient.getAccountTriumphs(membershipId, withDefinitions);
// Gets the available post game carnage report for the activity ID.
destinyApiClient.getPostGameCarnageReport(activityHashId, withDefinitions);
// Retrieve the details of a Destiny Item.
destinyApiClient.getInventoryItem(membershipId, characterId, itemInstanceId, withDefinitions);
// Gets historical stats for indicated character.
destinyApiClient.getCharacterStats(String membershipId, String characterId,
ActivityType modes, StatGroupType groups, PeriodType period,
String monthstart, String monthend,
String daystart, String dayend)
// Gets Grimoire definitions.
// Gets someone else's Grimoire.
destinyApiClient.getGrimoire(membershipId, single, flavour, withDefinitions);
// others in progress...