
Combine Multiple Advent Of Code leaderboard into a single one

Primary LanguageKotlin

AOC Combined Leaderboard

There is a limit of 200 people in most Advent of Code leaderboards

This service allows you combine multiple leaderboards into a single one.

How to use:

  • Advent of code has a leaderboard api that is protected by your cookie which expires after about a month. Example: https://adventofcode.com/2022/leaderboard/private/view/{leaderboardId}.json

  • You can find this url by clicking on Api in your leaderboard and then Json in the resulting page.

  • Go to the url and copy the cookie header in the request from your browser.

  • Clone this repoistory.

  • Add the leaderboard id and cookie to resources/application.conf file in this repository.

  •   aocConfig {  
        leaderboardIds = ["leaderboard_id_1", "leaderboard_id_2"...]  
        cookies = ["cookie_1", "cookie_2"]  
  • From the project root folder run gradlew assemble

    if permission is denied, run
    chmod 755 gradlew first before gradlew assemble

    this would build a .jar file that in the build folder that you can then run using

    java -jar /build/libs/com.ozioma.aocleaderboard-all.jar

get the combined leaderboard by visiting