
Tools that are not a part of UVMS, but used in conjunction to it for various purposes.

Primary LanguagePython



This script is used to prepend license text to java, xsd and wsdl files. It also strips any '@author' tags from java files.


Usage: prependLicense.py [options]
-c      Ignore C style files ['java', 'js', 'css']
-a      Do not break before performing search and prepend
-x      Ignore XML style files ['xsd', 'wsdl', 'html', 'xml']
-l      -l <path> Text file containing license text
-help   Display this help
-h      Display this help
-r      -r <path> Root directory of search
Example: py prependLicense.py -r "c:\dev\modules" -l "c:\dev\license.txt" -x -a


This script releases the following modules: hav-vessel-proxy, eu-vessel-proxy, twostage, sweagencyemail, siriusone, naf, flux, email, ais, rules-dbaccess, movement-dbaccess, mobileterminal-dbaccess, exchange-dbaccess, audit-dbaccess, asset-dbaccess, config-dbaccess, rules, movement, mobileterminal, exchange, audit, asset, config, uvms-longpolling, uvms-commons, uvms-config, usm4uvms, rules-model, movement-model, mobileterminal-model, exchange-model, audit-model, asset-model, config-model

Most common usage on Windows would be:

py release.py -ruvms-VERSION-SPRINT -b -p

Most common usage on Linux/OSX would be:

py release.py -ruvms-VERSION-SPRINT -b -p -c~/
Usage: py release.py -rreleaseName [-c./] [-d] [-p] [-j8] [-s] [-m"module1 module2 ... moduleN"] [-b] [-vx.y.z] [-na.b.c-SNAPSHOT]
-r Release name or version for branching and checkout dir.
-d Dry run, only checkout, prepare and rollback run. Only works on existing branch.
-p Paranoia flag. Must be set to actually perform anything. If not set, svn revert and svn update will be run at the end.
-j8 If present, javadoc lint errors are ignored.
-m Module list, format is "module1 module2 ... moduleN". If left out, all modules are released.
-e Plugin list, format is "plugin1 plugin2 ... pluginN". If left out, all plugins are released.
-x Proxy list, format is "module/PROXY/proxy1 module/PROXY/proxy2 ... module/PROXY/proxyN". If left out, all plugins are released.
-l Library list, format is "library1 library2 ... libraryN". If left out, all libraries are released.
-c Check out root dir. Defaults to "C:".
-s Do not replace SNAPSHOT versions with matching release version. If set, Maven will ask for versions during prepare step.
-b Maven prepare batch, non interactive prepare. This will force the use of the next version.
-v Release version.
-n Next SNAPSHOT version.