
A specification and assembler for a simple 32-bit RISC instruction set.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


What is this?

Niu32 is a RISC 32-bit instruction set that aims to be as simple as possible to understand, well-documented, and easy to write for. A completed assembler is included, written in Python 3.

Before we start...

In Niu32, ops are listed in UPPERCASE, labels in lowercase, and numbers are prefixed by 0x for hexidecimal values, 0b for binary values, or listed without a prefix for decimal values.

Registers are prefixed with a $, and line comments are prefixed with a !.

Although not a valid register in our instruction set, we will refer to instruction arguments involving registers with the designations $arg1, $arg2, and $argD for source and destination registers, respectively. We will use the value 0xBEEF for numerical arguments.

If you use Notepad++, importing n32-notepad++-udl.xml as a User-Defined Language (Language -> Define your language... -> Import...) will add syntax highlighting to a Niu32 assembly program.

Instruction word format

An instruction word in Niu32 is 32 bits long. We will start counting from bit 31 (most-significant) to bit 0 (least-significant).

An instruction word can be divided into the following fields:

  • Primary opcode (OP1). 5 bits. Signals the processor what instruction to perform, or alternatively signals the processor to check the secondary opcode to figure out what instruction to perform.

  • Source register arguments (ARG1, ARG2). 5 bits each. Specifies which registers to reference. The values stored in these registers will be used in evaluation of the instruction.

  • Destination register (ARGD). 5 bits. Specifies which register to store the result of the operation after it has completed.

  • Immediate value (IMM). 17 bits. A number used in some types of instructions instead of a secondary register argument. The value given in the instruction will be directly used in the evaluation of the instruction.

  • Secondary opcode (OP2). 5 bits. Signals the processor what instruction to perform. Primarily used in non-immediate ALU instructions, where the secondary opcode is used to specify the ALUop signal (see below).

An instruction word can take one of two formats. Fields are shown at the top, and the bits they correspond to are shown at the bottom. Bit ranges are inclusive (i.e. "bits 4-0" include both bit 4 and bit 0).


OP1 ARG1 ARG2 ARGD empty OP2
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 0000000 xxxxx
31-27 26-22 21-17 16-12 11-5 4-0

These are used for instructions which require the use of two argument registers and/or instructions which require a secondary opcode.


xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
31-27 26-22 21-17 16-0

These are used for instructions which require the use of an immediate value.


Niu32 has 32 addressable registers.

Number Name Binary Description
R0 $zero 00000 A read-only register that will only hold a value of 0.
R1 $a0 00001 Argument register 0. Caller pushed. Used for passing arguments to subroutines in an assembly program.
R2 $a1 00010 Argument register 1. Caller pushed. Used for passing arguments to subroutines in an assembly program.
R3 $a2 00011 Argument register 2. Caller pushed. Used for passing arguments to subroutines in an assembly program.
R4 $a3 00100 Argument register 3. Caller pushed. Used for passing arguments to subroutines in an assembly program.
R5 $t0 00101 Temporary register 0. Caller saved. Used to hold a temporary value.
R6 $t1 00110 Temporary register 1. Caller saved. Used to hold a temporary value.
R7 $t2 00111 Temporary register 2. Caller saved. Used to hold a temporary value.
R8 $t3 01000 Temporary register 3. Caller saved. Used to hold a temporary value.
R9 $t4 01001 Temporary register 4. Caller saved. Used to hold a temporary value.
R10 $t5 01010 Temporary register 5. Caller saved. Used to hold a temporary value.
R11 $t6 01011 Temporary register 6. Caller saved. Used to hold a temporary value.
R12 $t7 01100 Temporary register 7. Caller saved. Used to hold a temporary value.
R13 $s0 01101 Saved register 0. Callee saved. Used to hold a temporary/saved value.
R14 $s1 01110 Saved register 1. Callee saved. Used to hold a temporary/saved value.
R15 $s2 01111 Saved register 2. Callee saved. Used to hold a temporary/saved value.
R16 $s3 10000 Saved register 3. Callee saved. Used to hold a temporary/saved value.
R17 $s4 10001 Saved register 4. Callee saved. Used to hold a temporary/saved value.
R18 $s5 10010 Saved register 5. Callee saved. Used to hold a temporary/saved value.
R19 $s6 10011 Saved register 6. Callee saved. Used to hold a temporary/saved value.
R20 $s7 10100 Saved register 7. Callee saved. Used to hold a temporary/saved value.
R21 $r0 10101 Return value 0. Used to hold a single return value from a subroutine (instead of pushing onto the stack).
R22 $r1 10110 Return value 1. Used to hold a single return value from a subroutine (instead of pushing onto the stack).
R23 $r2 10111 Return value 2. Used to hold a single return value from a subroutine (instead of pushing onto the stack).
R24 $r3 11000 Return value 3. Used to hold a single return value from a subroutine (instead of pushing onto the stack).
R25 $ra 11001 Return address. Callee saved. Used to hold the return address of the calling routine.
R26 $gp 11010 Global pointer. Used to point to global variables.
R27 $fp 11011 Frame pointer. Callee saved. Used to hold the memory location of the current stack frame.
R28 $sp 11100 Stack pointer. Callee saved. Used to hold the memory location of the next empty position on the stack.
R29 $at 11101 Assembler temporary. Reserved for assembler use (for example, when evaluating pseudo-ops)
R30 $k0 11110 Kernel register 0. Reserved for kernel use (for example, during interrupt handling).
R31 $k1 11111 Kernel register 1. Reserved for kernel use (for example, during interrupt handling).


Niu32's memory is byte and word-addressable. The size of a memory word is 32 bits (4 bytes), so any implementation of a Niu32 ISA must reserve the least-significant 2 bits to select a single byte at a given memory location.

Selection bits Select
00 Byte 1
01 Byte 2
10 Byte 3
11 Byte 4

For example, a memory can look like the following (with 15 bits of addressability + 2 bits byte selector):

Location Byte 1 (+0) Byte 2 (+1) Byte 3 (+2) Byte 4 (+3)
0x0000 0xDE 0xAD 0xBE 0xEF
0x0004 0xAB 0xBC 0xCD 0xDE
0x0008 0xB0 0x0B 0x55 0x66
... ... ... ... ...
0x7FFF 0xFF 0xCC 0xBB 0xAA

Word at 0x0000: 0xDEADBEEF (32 bits)
Byte at 0x0000: 0xDE (8 bits)
Byte at 0x0001: 0xAD (8 bits)
Byte at 0x0002: 0xBE (8 bits)
Byte at 0x0003: 0xEF (8 bits)


Below are the defined assembly instructions that have a direct mapping to a 5-bit binary instruction.


The opcode table below summarizes the binary instruction corresponding to each opcode. Most significant bits are to the left, while least significant are to the top.

Why are there spaces in the table? Spaces are left open in the opcode space to allow for instructions to be expanded in future (for example, to add load half-word functionality to the base load operations).

xx 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111

Signals the processor to check OP2 for operation to perform. This instruction and encoding of the secondary opcode will be handled by the assembler according to the instruction written in the program (i.e. there should be no difference to the programmer as to how to write an instruction that uses the primary vs. secondary opcode). This should not be written directly in an assembly program, and the assembler will throw an error if encountered!


ADDI $argD, $arg1, imm
$argD <- $arg1 + imm
Adds imm to $arg1, and stores the result in $argD.


MLTI $argD, $arg1, imm
$argD <- $arg1 / imm
Multiplies $arg1 by imm and stores the result in $argD.


DIVI $argD, $arg1, imm
$argD <- $arg1 / imm
Divides $arg1 by imm and stores the result in $argD.


ANDI $argD, $arg1, imm
$argD <- $arg1 & imm
Performs an AND on $arg1 and imm and stores the result in $argD.


ORI $argD, $arg1, imm
$argD <- $arg1 & imm
Performs an OR on $arg1 and imm and stores the result in $argD.


XORI $argD, $arg1, imm
$argD <- $arg1 & imm
Performs an XOR on $arg1 and imm and stores the result in $argD.


SULI $argD, $arg1, imm
$argD <- $arg1 << imm
Unsigned left-shifts $arg1 by imm and stores the result in $argD.


SSLI $argD, $arg1, imm
$argD <- $arg1 <<< imm
Signed left-shifts $arg1 by imm and stores the result in $argD.


SURI $argD, $arg1, imm
$argD <- $arg1 >> imm
Unsigned right-shifts $arg1 by imm and stores the result in $argD.


SSRI $argD, $arg1, imm
$argD <- $arg1 >>> imm
Signed right-shifts $arg1 by imm and stores the result in $argD.


LW $argD, $arg1, imm
$argD <- Mem[$arg1 + 4*imm]
Loads the word at the memory location computed by adding $arg2 and imm into $argD.


LB $argD, $arg1, imm
$argD <- Mem[$arg1 + imm]
Loads the byte at the memory location computed by adding $arg1 and imm into $argD. In this case, imm acts as a word offset (i.e. $arg1 + imm bytes). Note that the byte will be sign-extended to 32 bits before being stored in $argD.


SW $arg1, $arg2, imm
Mem[$arg2 + 4*imm] <- $arg1
Stores the word in $arg1 at the memory location computed by adding $arg2 and imm.


SB $arg1, $arg2, imm
Mem[$arg2 + imm] <- $arg1
Stores the byte in $arg1 at the memory location computed by adding $arg2 and imm. In this case, imm acts as a word offset (i.e. $arg1 + imm bytes). The value in $arg1 will be shrunk into an 8-bit value before being stored in memory, which may result in undefined behavior if the value does not fit into 8 bits.


LUI $argD, imm
$argD <- imm[17:1]
Loads the most-significant 17 bits of imm into $argD. Can be combined with ORI to load a 32-bit immediate value into a register.


BEQ $arg1, $arg2, imm
$arg1 == $arg2 ? PC <- 4*imm : PC <- (PC + 4)
Branches to imm if $arg1 is equal to $arg2; otherwise, advances to the next instruction.


BNE $arg1, $arg2, imm
$arg1 != $arg2 ? PC <- 4*imm : PC <- (PC + 4)
Branches to imm if $arg1 is not equal to $arg2; else, advances to the next instruction.


BLT $arg1, $arg2, imm
$arg1 < $arg2 ? PC <- 4*imm : PC <- (PC + 4)
Branches to imm if $arg1 is less than $arg2; otherwise, advances to the next instruction.


BLE $arg1, $arg2, imm
$arg1 <= $arg2 ? PC <- 4*imm : PC <- (PC + 4)
Branches to imm if $arg1 is less than or equal to $arg2; otherwise, advances to the next instruction.


JAL $arg1, $argD
$arg1 <- (PC + 4), PC <- $argD
Jumps to the address of the subroutine stored in $argD and stores the previous next instruction as the return address in $arg1.


These instructions are encoded in the OP2 instruction word field (see above). They will be executed if the OP1 instruction word field is set to ALUI (00000).

As in the primary opcode table, the opcode table below summarizes the binary instruction corresponding to each opcode. Most significant bits are to the left, while least significant are to the top.

xx 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111

SUB $argD, $arg1, $arg2
$argD <- $arg1 - $arg2
Subtracts $arg1 from $arg2, and stores the result in $argD.


ADD $argD, $arg1, $arg2
$argD <- $arg1 + $arg2
Adds $arg1 to $arg2, and stores the result in $argD.


MLT $argD, $arg1, $arg2
$argD <- $arg1 * $arg2
Multiplies $arg1 by $arg2 and stores the result in $argD.


DIV $argD, $arg1, $arg2
$argD <- $arg1 / $arg2
Divides $arg1 by $arg2 and stores the result in $argD.


NOT $argD, $arg1
$argD <- ~$arg1
Performs a bitwise NOT on $arg1, and stores the result in $argD.


AND $argD, $arg1, $arg2
$argD <- $arg1 & $arg2
Performs a bitwise AND on $arg1 and $arg2, and stores the result in $argD.


OR $argD, $arg1, $arg2
$argD <- $arg1 | $arg2
Performs a bitwise OR on $arg1 and $arg2, and stores the result in $argD.


XOR $argD, $arg1, $arg2
$argD <- $arg1 ^ $arg2
Performs a bitwise XOR on $arg1 and $arg2, and stores the result in $argD.


SUL $argD, $arg1, $arg2
$argD <- $arg1 << $arg2
Unsigned left-shifts $arg1 by $arg2 and stores the result in $argD.


SSL $argD, $arg1, $arg2
$argD <- $arg1 <<< $arg2
Signed left-shifts $arg1 by $arg2 and stores the result in $argD.


SUR $argD, $arg1, $arg2
$argD <- $arg1 >> $arg2
Unsigned right-shifts $arg1 by $arg2 and stores the result in $argD.


SSR $argD, $arg1, $arg2
$argD <- $arg1 >>> $arg2
Signed right-shifts $arg1 by $arg2 and stores the result in $argD.


EQ $argD, $arg1, $arg2
$argD <- ($arg1 == $arg2) ? 1 : 0
Stores a value of 1 in $argD if $arg1 is equal to $arg2; otherwise stores a 0.


NEQ $argD, $arg1, $arg2
$argD <- ($arg1 != $arg2) ? 1 : 0
Stores a value of 1 in $argD if $arg1 is not equal to $arg2; otherwise stores a 0.


LT $argD, $arg1, $arg2
$argD <- ($arg1 < $arg2) ? 1 : 0
Stores a value of 1 in $argD if $arg1 is less than $arg2; otherwise stores a 0.


LEQ $argD, $arg1, $arg2
$argD <- ($arg1 <= $arg2) ? 1 : 0
Stores a value of 1 in $argD if $arg1 is less than or equal to $arg2; otherwise stores a 0.


The Niu32 assembler provided here takes in an input Niu32 assembly program, and outputs an assembled program in Altera Memory Initialization File (MIF) format.

The assembler is written in Python 3, and as such should be prefixed with python or python3, depending on your system's default Python interpreter.

The syntax of the assembler is as follows:

n32-assemble.py <filename> [-o|--output <filename>] [-v|--verbose]


<filename>: The input filename of the Niu32 assembly program to assemble.

-o, --output: The output filename of the assembled program. If none is specified, the default is to strip the extension of the input filename and append .mif.

-v, --verbose: Print all intermediate output. Default is to surpress all intermediate output except errors.

Output format

The format of each instruction in an output MIF is as follows:


<MEMORY_LOCATION>: The location in memory where this instruction will be stored in. The default is to start from 0x00000000 - however, a memory location can be set manually anywhere in the program with the .ORIG assembler directive.

<INSTRUCTION>: The input instruction, as written.

<INSTRUCTION_NUM>: The index into instruction memory this instruction word can be found at. For example, an instruction at location 0x0000000c would be found at index 00000003 in a 32-bit instruction memory.

<ASSEMBLED_INSTRUCTION>: The assembled hex instruction.


These are ops which can be used in a Niu32 assembly program, but do not correspond directly to defined opcodes. The assembler will take the responsibility of translating these into actual machine instructions, and the programmer can write these into an assembly program like any other instruction.


SUBI $argD, $arg1, imm
$argD <- $arg1 - imm
Subtracts imm from $arg1, and stores the result in $argD.
The assembler will negate imm and transform this into an ADDI instruction.


GT $argD, $arg1, $arg2
$argD <- ($arg1 > $arg2) ? 1 : 0
Stores a value of 1 in $argD if $arg1 is greater than $arg2; otherwise stores a 0.
The assembler will swap the order of $arg1 and $arg2 and transform this into a LT instruction.


GEQ $argD, $arg1, $arg2
$argD <- ($arg1 >= $arg2) ? 1 : 0
Stores a value of 1 in $argD if $arg1 is greater than or equal to $arg2; otherwise stores a 0.
The assembler will swap the order of $arg1 and $arg2 and transform this into a LEQ instruction.


NAND $argD, $arg1, $arg2
$argD <- ~($arg1 & $arg2)
Performs a NAND on $arg1 and $arg2 and stores the result in $argD.
The assembler will expand this into two seperate AND and NOT instructions.


NOR $argD, $arg1, $arg2
$argD <- ~($arg1 | $arg2)
Performs a NOR on $arg1 and $arg2 and stores the result in $argD.
The assembler will expand this into two seperate OR and NOT instructions.


NXOR $argD, $arg1, $arg2
$argD <- ~($arg1 ^ $arg2)
Performs a NXOR on $arg1 and $arg2 and stores the result in $argD.
The assembler will expand this into two seperate XOR and NOT instructions.


CPY $argD, $arg1
$argD <- $arg1
Copies the value stored in $arg1 into $argD.
The assembler will transform this into an ADD instruction.


LA $argD, imm
$argD <- MemLoc(imm)
Stores the memory location of imm into $argD.
The assembler will expand this into LUI and ORI instructions.


LV $argD, imm
$argD <- imm
Stores the value of imm into $argD.
The assembler will expand this into LUI and ORI instructions.


CLR $argD
$argD <- $zero
Clears (zeroes-out) the contents of $argD.
The assembler will transform this into an ADD instruction.


BGT $arg1, $arg2, imm
$arg1 > $arg2 ? PC <- 4*imm : PC <- (PC + 4)
Branches to imm if $arg1 is greater than $arg2; otherwise, advances to the next instruction.
The assembler will swap the order of $arg1 and $arg2 and transform this into a BLT instruction.


BGE $arg1, $arg2, imm
$arg1 >= $arg2 ? PC <- 4*imm : PC <- (PC + 4)
Branches to imm if $arg1 is greater than or equal to $arg2; otherwise, advances to the next instruction.
The assembler will swap the order of $arg1 and $arg2 and transform this into a BLE instruction.


GOTO imm
PC <- 4*imm
Unconditionally branches to imm.
The assembler will transform this into a BEQ instruction.


JMP $argD
$ra <- (PC + 4), PC <- $argD
Jumps to the address of the subroutine stored in $argD and stores the previous next instruction as the return address in $ra.
The assembler will transform this into a JAL instruction.


PC <- $ra
Returns the PC to the memory location stored in the $ra (return address) register. The current PC location will be lost.
The assembler will transform this into a JAL instruction.


PUSH $arg1
Mem[$sp] <- $arg1, $sp - WORD_SIZE
Pushes the word value of $arg1 onto the stack, and grows the stack pointer (moves up in memory).
The assembler will expand this into SW and ADDI instructions.


POP $argD
$sp + WORD_SIZE, $arg1 <- Mem[$sp]
Shrinks the stack pointer (moves down in memory) and pops the word value at the stack pointer into $argD.
The assembler will expand this into LW and ADDI instructions.


Assembler directives are prefixed with a ., and are not mapped to machine instructions.


.NAME label 0xBEEF
Instructs the assembler to track a new variable in memory with the name (label) and value (0xBEEF) specified.


Instructs the assembler to start the following instructions at the given memory location (0xBEEF). The assembler will throw an error if the memory location is not a multiple of the word size (4 bytes). Valid memory locations in instruction memory typically end with 0, 4, 8, or c.


Instructs the assembler to put the given memory word at the assembler's currently tracked location in instruction memory (for example, if the next instruction would be placed at memory location 0x0000000c, the assembler would place the word 0xBEEF at that location instead).