
A RESTful API for displaying climate sensor data.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Klima Build Status

Klima is a utility that polls serial or filesystem devices for climate data, exposes them through a RESTful API, and (optionally) aggregates the data into InfluxDB for tracking climate data over time.


Klima is written in Python 3. Collecting serial data through filesystem devices probably only works on Linux (although I haven't tried).

Getting up and running

To save historical data, you'll need to install InfluxDB from your favorite package manager, e.g.:

sudo apt-get install influxdb

It will create a default root user and password, but you may want to create your own credentials and database manually yourself - see here to set it up via the CLI, then enter the relevant information into config.py.

If you don't need historical data collection, set influx_settings.enabled to False.

To install required libraries:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, copy config.sample.py to config.py and modify the config values that apply to you in config.py. Finally:

python run.py

You may need to replace python and pip with python3 and pip3, respectively, depending on the default version of python installed on your system.


All times returned are in UTC, all temperatures are in Celsius, and all humidity values are relative percentages.

Display a summary page





Get the current sensor reading

GET /api/:sensor_type


Name Description
sensor_type One of temperature or humidity.
GET /api/temperature

Get the current temperature.

  "time": "2017-04-04T00:00:01.429856Z",
  "value": 18.7

Get the sensor reading at a previous time

This requires historical data to be configured, and for data to exist at the requested time.

Otherwise, it returns a 204.

GET /api/:sensor_type/:timescale


Name Description
sensor_type One of temperature or humidity.
timescale A relative timescale before the current time.
GET /api/humidity/5m

Get the relative humidity 5 minutes ago.

  "time": "2017-04-04T23:61:42.138746Z",
  "value": 45.0

Fetch current climate data for the configured location

This does not use sensors, and requires location to be configured. Otherwise, it returns a 204.

GET /api/:sensor_type/location


Name Description
sensor_type One of temperature or humidity.
GET /api/temperature/location

Fetches the current temperature for the configured location (in config.py).

  "time": "2017-04-04T20:01:42.123481Z",
  "value": 16.1

Fetch climate data for a previous time

This does not use sensors, requires both location and historical data to be configured, and for data to exist at the requested time.

Otherwise, it returns a 204.

GET /api/:sensor_type/location/:timescale


Name Description
sensor_type One of temperature or humidity.
timescale A relative timescale before the current time.
GET /api/temperature/location/16s

Fetches the current temperature for the configured location 16 seconds ago.

  "time": "2017-04-04T21:22:36.189163Z",
  "value": 16.0

Get the difference between sensor data and climate/location data

This requires location to be configured. Otherwise, it returns a 204.

GET /api/:sensor_type/location/diff


Name Description
sensor_type One of temperature or humidity.
GET /api/humidity/location/diff

Gets the current difference between the outside and sensor relative humidity values.

  "time": "2017-04-03T06:14:00.582916Z",
  "value": -0.6

Get the difference between sensor data and climate/location data at a previous time

This requires both location and historical data to be configured, and for data to exist at the requested time.

Otherwise, it returns a 204.

GET /api/:sensor_type/location/diff/:timescale


Name Description
sensor_type One of temperature or humidity.
timescale A relative timescale before the current time.
GET /api/humidity/location/diff/2d

Gets the difference between the outside and sensor relative humidity values 2 days ago.

  "time": "2017-04-02T01:22:06.859212Z",
  "value": 4.1

Get the average difference between sensor data and climate/location data from a previous time

This requires both location and historical data to be configured, and for data to exist at the requested time.

Otherwise, it returns a 204.

GET /api/:sensor_type/location/diff/avg/:timescale


Name Description
sensor_type One of temperature or humidity.
timescale A relative timescale before the current time.
GET /api/humidity/location/diff/avg/24h

Gets the average difference between outside and inside relative humidities over the past 24 hours.

  "time": "2017-04-04T05:10:13.502812Z",
  "value": -4.6