
A quick, light, peer-to-peer file sharing utility over HTTP.

Primary LanguagePython


Need to share a file with someone real quick?

jinhai@dev.steakscorp.org:~$ pshare /path/to/file/file.7z
Your file is now accessible at these URLs:
 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) - - [18/Dec/2015 14:34:06] "GET /file.7z HTTP/1.1" 200 -
Transfers complete! Shutting down server...


Pretty easy, right?

Waaaait, what just happened?

pshare starts up a simple Flask HTTP server on an arbitrary port. Upon a request from a client, it serves the file specified from its path, and then (by default) immediately shuts down upon transfer completion. No more moving a file into a staging directory on your main web server!


pshare <file_path> [max_transfers]

file_path The path to the file you want to share. The file must exist and be readable by the user running pshare.

max_transfers (optional) The maximum number of downloads of your file that you want to permit before you stop sharing it. The default is 1. A value of 0 will permit an unlimited number of downloads.


pshare requires python (2 or 3)`, as well as the Flask web framework and the socket library.

Python 2

sudo apt-get install -y python python-pip
sudo pip install flask socket ipgetter

Python 3

sudo apt-get install -y python3 python3-pip
sudo pip3 install flask ipgetter

pshare can then be run in the local directory by running ./pshare. To install pshare globally, move it into your bin path:

sudo mv pshare.py /usr/local/bin/

Then, simply run pshare, specifying the arguments detailed above.