
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is the repository of MIPT2025 Databases project.

  • The database is for Online Shopping Website automation system.
  • It contains 19 different tables

Conceptual Model


Logical Model


Physical Model (Description)

Table 1: bill

Column Name Description Data Type
BillID Unique identifier for each bill int(11)
SalesID Unique identifier for each sales transaction related to the bill int(11)

Table 2: category

Column Name Description Data Type
CategoryID Unique identifier for each category int(20)
CategoryNameID Unique identifier for each category name int(11)
SizeID Unique identifier for each size int(11)
BrandID Unique identifier for each brand int(11)
PatternID Unique identifier for each pattern int(11)
ColorID Unique identifier for each color int(11)
TypeID Unique identifier for each type int(11)

Table 3: categoryname

Column Name Description Data Type
CategoryNameID Unique identifier for each category name int(11)
CategoryNames The actual name of the category varchar(20)

Table 4: color

Column Name Description Data Type
ColorID Unique identifier for each color int(11)
ColorCode The code for the color varchar(20)

Table 5: customer

Column Name Description Data Type
CustomerID Unique identifier for each customer int(11)
CustomerName The first name of the customer varchar(20)
CustomerSurname The last name of the customer varchar(20)
CustomerPhoneNum The phone number of the customer int(15)

Table 6: department

Column Name Description Data Type
DepartmentID Unique identifier for each department int(11)
DepartmentName The name of the department varchar(50)

Table 7: exchange

Column Name Description Data Type
ExchangeID Unique identifier for each exchange transaction int(11)
ExchangeNumber Unique identifier for each exchange int(20)
ExchangeDate The date of the exchange date
ExchangeExplanation An explanation of the exchange varchar(300)
ProductID Unique identifier for each product related to the exchange int(11)
CustomerID Unique identifier for the customer related to the exchange int(11)

Table 8: pattern

Column Name Description Data Type
PatternID Unique identifier for each pattern int(11)
PatternName The name of the pattern varchar(20)

Table 9: personnel

Column Description Data Type
PersonnelID Unique identifier for each personnel int
PersonnelName Name of the personnel varchar(20)
PersonnelSurname Surname of the personnel varchar(20)
PersonnelPhoneNum Phone number of the personnel int(15)
PersonnelAddress Address of the personnel varchar(200)
EntryDate Date the personnel started working date
Salary Salary of the personnel int(20)
DepartmentID Identifier for the department the personnel belongs to int(11)
ID Identifier for the position the personnel holds int(11)
StoreID Identifier for the store the personnel works at int(11)

Table 10: position

Column Description Data Type
PositionID Unique identifier for each position int
PositionName Name of the position varchar(20)

Table 11: product

Column Description Data Type
ProductID Unique identifier for each product int
ProductName Name of the product varchar(20)
ProductPrice Price of the product int(20)
CategoryID Identifier for the category the product belongs to int(11)
Barcode Barcode number for the product int(20)

Table 12: returnn

Column Description Data Type
ReturnID Unique identifier for each return int
ReturnNumber Unique identifier for each return number int(20)
ReturnDate Date the return was made date
ReturnExplanation Explanation for the return varchar(300)
ProductID Identifier for the product being returned int(11)
CustomerID Identifier for the customer making the return

Table 13: sales

Column Name Description Data Type
SalesID Unique ID for each sales transaction int(11)
SalesNumber Sales number for each transaction int(20)
SalesDate Date of the sales transaction varchar(30)
ProductID ID of the product sold int(11)
StoreID ID of the store where the product was sold int(11)
PersonnelID ID of the personnel who made the sale int(11)

Table 14: size

Column Name Description Data Type
SizeID Unique ID for each size int(11)
SizeName Name of the size varchar(20)

Table 15: stock

Column Name Description Data Type
StockID Unique ID for each stock item int(11)
StockNumber Stock number for each stock item int(20)
ProductID ID of the product in stock int(11)
StoreID ID of the store where the product is in stock int(11)

Table 16: store

Column Name Description Data Type
StoreID Unique ID for each store int(11)
BranchName Name of the store branch varchar(30)
StorePhoneNumber Phone number of the store int(15)
StoreAddress Address of the store varchar(200)
City City where the store is located varchar(20)
DepartmentID ID of the department to which the store belongs int(11)

Table 17: type

Column Name Description Data Type
TypeID Unique ID for each type int(11)
TypeName Name of the type varchar(20)

Table 18: user

Column Name Description Data Type
UserID Unique ID for each user int(11)
UserName Username of the user varchar(20)
Password Password of the user varchar(20)
Authorization Authorization of the user varchar(20)
PersonnelID ID of the personnel associated with the user int(11)

Table 19: brand

Column Name Description Data Type
BrandID Unique identifier for each brand int(11)
BrandName The name of the brand varchar(20)


  • Database name: 'postgres'
  • Username: 'postgres'
  • Host: 'localhost'
  • Password: 'admin'
  • Schema: 'public'


Task 3:

Task 9: Creating 6 views submissions

Task 10: Creating stored functions

Task 11: Triggers

  • Trigger 1: Trigger to update a column based on changes to another column:
  • Trigger 2: Trigger to enforce a business rule:

Task 12: Analysis

Analysis.py contains code for generating following graphs:

  1. The top 10 most expensive products
  2. Heatmap of sales by month and store location

Note: fill_tables.py contains code for filling table "product" with 1000 random values. Run this file before running the script for creating graph.
But run it after testing all the scripts or it can mess with hard-coded expected results for the tests

Graph: image