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Nette Framework AdminLTE Control

This extension simplifies the creation of Administration control.


  • Easy install and use
  • Included scripts and styles
  • Simple use of multiple notification panels
  • Translations
  • Prepared login control
  • PHP 7.2 strict
  • PHPStan level 7
  • Configurable as Nette extension
  • Menu tree configurable in neon (also user restrictions)


To use this extension, require it in Composer:

composer require chapcz/chap-adminlte

Minimal setup

	admin: Chap\AdminLTE\DI\Extension

			name: "Home"
			link: "Admin:"
			icon: "fa-files-o"
			resource: "home"
			privilege: "view"
			name: "Dvaaa"
			icon: "fa-pie-chart"
			role: "user"
					name: Boo
					link: "Admin:boo"
					icon: fa-trip
					name: Foo
					link: "Admin:foo"
					icon: fa-trip
					        name: Hoo
					        link: "Admin:hoo"
					        icon: fa-trip

Example with panels and search callback


<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace Chap\AdminModule\Presenters;

use Chap\AdminLTE\AdminControl;
use Chap\AdminLTE\IAdminControlFactory;
use Chap\AdminLTE\Notifications\MessagePanel;
use Chap\AdminLTE\Notifications\NotificationPanel;
use Chap\AdminLTE\Notifications\TaskPanel;
use Nette\Application\UI\Presenter;
use Nette\Application\UI\Form;

class AdminPresenter extends Presenter
     * @var IAdminControlFactory
    private $adminControlFactory;

    public function __construct(IAdminControlFactory $adminControlFactory)
        $this->adminControlFactory = $adminControlFactory;

     * @return AdminControl
    protected function createComponentAdmin(): AdminControl
        $admin = $this->adminControlFactory

        $admin->onSearch[] = function (Form $form): void {
            $this->redirect('search', ['word' => $form->getValues()['q']]);

        return $admin;

    private function getExampleNotificationsPanel() :NotificationPanel
        return (new NotificationPanel())
            ->setHeaderTitle('%d Notifications')
            ->addNotification('#', 'Something')
            ->addNotification('#', 'Something')
            ->addNotification('#', 'Something')
            ->addNotification('#', 'Something')
            ->addNotification('#', 'Something')
            ->addNotification('#', 'Something')
            ->addNotification('#', 'Something')

    private function getMessagesPanel() :MessagePanel
        return (new MessagePanel())
            ->setHeaderTitle('%d messages')
            ->addMessage('#', 'Hallo', 'world !', '/image/avatar.png', '2 hours ago')
            ->addMessage('#', 'This', 'is message', '/image/avatar.png', '3 hours ago');

    private function getExampleTasksPanel() :TaskPanel
        $panel = (new TaskPanel())

        for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++ ) {
            $panel->addTask('#', 'My task ' . $i, $i*10);

        return $panel;

     * @param $word
    public function actionSearch(string $word): void
        $this->flashMessage('Looking for: ' . $word, 'danger');


{capture $content}{include content}{/capture}

{control admin $content, $flashes}

##Modals: For a tags with modal property will be shown "no-layout" result inside modal window.

<a n:href="edit" class="btn btn-success" modal>Add user</a>


Lazy screen (shown in demo site):
    protected function createComponentSlowScreen(): SlowComponent
        return $this->slowComponentFactory->create();

    // Component with slow response (reading remote data, compute something) 
    protected function createComponentSlowScreenLazyLoaded(): LazyScreen
        return new LazyScreen(function () {
            return $this->slowComponentFactory->create();
Action buttons (shown in demo site):

Sometimes is useful to add some actions related for view (e.g. on product detail edit, send, assign etc.).

    public function renderDetail(): void
        $this['admin']->addDropdownLink(new DropLink('', 'link'));
Info-board (shown in demo site):

For dashboard purposes we can show some info boxes with useful information.

    protected function createComponentDashBoard(): InfoBoard
        return (new InfoBoard())
            ->addBox((new InfoBox())
                ->setText('Pencil text')
            ->addBox((new InfoBox())
                ->setText('Globe text')
                ->setNumber((float) random_int(0, 9999))


  • Improve menu control and better authorization for nested items
  • More examples
