
Scrapes a list of urls, of similarly structured website, from a txt file and outputs them into a json file.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Scrapes a list of urls, of similarly structured website, from a txt file and outputs them into a json file. This can be modified for different pages.


  • NodeJS

To Run

Install Dependencies (Required before first run)

npm install

Edit urls.txt

Edit urls.txt to match the sites you will be scraping.

Edit filters

Simply change the tag/class/id to match where the content is located on the page so that the scraper doesn't get unneeded information.

$('[TAG/CLASS/ID]').filter(function() { ... });


If your webpages have more content to be organized add more. In scrapePage():

  • Add to the json variable
  • Add filter to get content. (Just copy and replace as needed)

Run Script

node index.js


The output is written to output.json

Source of articles

  • urls.txt
  • You can comment out lines with a #.