
LSE recruitment 2016 - Memory Checker

Primary LanguageC++

                   LSE RECRUITEMENT 2016 - MY MEMCHECK

Goal: Reimplement a memory checker, A.K.A look for invalid (out of bounds) memory
      accesses, and memory leaks

Level1 - Strace:
       Use of ptrace to track system calls from a traced program
       Prints arguments for execve, fork, vfork, clone, exit,
       exit_group, brk, mmap, munmap, mremap, mprotect
       Catches return code with edi (exit*)
       prints PID and where the error was raised
       Prints other functions names, but no arguments

Level2 - Hooked Strace:
       #include Level1
       1 line against 700 less effective but hey, WE rule the stuff now

Level3 - Memory tracer:
       #include Level{1,2}
       Hooks on frequently used function that play with memory
       malloc, realloc, free, calloc
       Save each allocated area, to check if we are not out of bound
       Pretty neat
       memory_hook.c generates libhooks.so. Preloaded, it allows memcheck
       to trace malloc style functions

Level4 - Memory checker:
       #include Level{1...3}
       Remove memory access
       Handle segfaults from that
       display memory leaks and invalid accesses from mmap
       display memory leaks and invalid accesses now from malloc

What works:
     * Catch, print, and run child's syscall
     * Maintain a map of every allocated memory from the child,
       from mmap and malloc
     * Syscalls from loaded libraries too
     * Display memory leaks from mmap and malloc (tells if on the heap or not)
     * Display invalid accesses from mmap and now malloc (RW)
     * Handles segfaults too, skip them and continue
     * Get instructions sizes (access)

What doesn't:
     * Differentiates reads from writes 100% of the time
     * Handle invalid frees


XIP, XAX, and other variables like this were an attempt at preparing for a
*possible* multi-arch compliant program. They translate to rip or eip (in the
case of XIP for example) regarding the machine.

├── src
│   ├── helpers
│   │   └── helpers.cc         // Some helper functions used in the project
│   ├── includes
│   │   ├── colors.hh          // Pretty printing helper
│   │   ├── defines.hh         // Every included header, macro, and some class
│   │   ├── helpers.hh
│   │   ├── level1.hh
│   │   ├── level2.hh
│   │   ├── level4.hh
│   │   ├── shared.hh          // Shared data between memcheck and libhooks.so
│   │   └── syscalls.hh
│   ├── level1                 // Basic strace implementation
│   │   ├── mem_strace.cc
│   │   ├── strace.cc
│   │   └── syscalls.cc
│   ├── level2                 // Strace without PTRACE_SYSCALLS
│   │   ├── breaker.cc
│   │   ├── dig_into_mem.cc
│   │   └── mem_strace_hook.cc
│   ├── level3                 // Memory tracker
│   │   ├── memory_hooks.c     // Generates libhooks.so
│   │   ├── mem_tracker.cc
│   │   └── tracker.cc
│   └── level4                 // Inject code, and check memory access
│       ├── injector.cc
│       ├── mem_checker.cc
│       └── sanity_check.cc
├── tests                      // Quick tests
│   └── debug.cc