- 1
- 4
Support ASN.1 for E2AP?
#256 opened by Yi-Hsueh-Tsai - 2
- 1
GSM-7 National language shift tables support
#257 opened by belousotroll - 1
- 1
- 1
5G NAS UE policy protocol TS 24.501_UEPOL UPSISublist Len field is not encoded.
#252 opened by maddenj-ie - 1
5G NAS UE policy protocol TS 24.501_UEPOL UEPolSectionMgmtSubresult uses length in octets instead of number of results
#251 opened by maddenj-ie - 1
[asn1dir] AlgorithmIdentifier.from_ber() -- AttributeError: 'SEQ' object has no attribute '_tagc'
#250 opened by James-E-A - 2
FG UE Pol Manage Command fromJson
#248 opened by maddenj-ie - 0
pycrate_asn1rt.err.ASN1BERDecodeErr: ASN1descr: invalid tag class / pc / value, (2, 1, 1)
#255 opened by Thual-22300 - 3
5G NAS UE policy protocol TS 24.501_UEPOL RouteSelectDesc from_bytes inconsistent with to_bytes
#247 opened by maddenj-ie - 1
NameError: name 'ASN1ASNDecoderErr' is not defined
#246 opened by engaboda - 6
- 4
ASN.1 RRCLTE Error : `get_at().get_val()` yields different result as `get_val_at()`
#242 opened by Marc-Egli - 3
ASN1 decoding of grouped extension with all group components OPTIONAL and component with implicit value
#243 opened by luiscpgh - 2
NGAP decoding
#244 opened by adad1223 - 1
pycrate_mobile documentation or examples
#229 opened by J93d - 6
Error while parsing custom CDR format
#237 opened by fuzemobi - 2
Error when decoding Kerberos from BER
#241 opened by malware-bytes - 1
Unable to decode Delete PDP context request
#240 opened by lubosve - 2
- 2
Problem with handling "unable to retrieve a table-looked up object" in _from_jval()
#238 opened by lubosve - 4
- 4
Proper way for modifying the message properties
#234 opened by vazir - 2
CipherKeyData is not parsed correctly from bytes.
#235 opened by Marc-Egli - 5
Question: conversion of 3GPP doc files to .asn
#230 opened by frankist - 2
Value mismatch while decoding the GTP hex stream
#232 opened by Sohel1999 - 5
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LCSClientID optional field cannot be set in an EMM message because of error during ber-encoding
#223 opened by Marc-Egli - 3
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- 2
EMMCPServiceRequest misses NASContainer decoding
#225 opened by Marc-Egli - 4
how to replace asn1 enumerated name to raw value
#221 opened by zywj - 3
How to set IEs for pycrate_mobile
#215 opened by tariromukute - 9
MAC verification of 5GMMRegistrationRequest fails with TypeError: can't concat list to bytes
#220 opened by dziugas-wg2 - 2
- 5
send isup message
#202 opened by AmroAbdulla - 4
Is it possible to decode containers within 3GPP messages while decoding the message?
#206 opened by elrandira - 2
Code is unreachable issue using Pylance
#217 opened by turabek-cc - 2
Add license.txt to the source archive
#216 opened by yegorich - 1
- 3
Updating TS 32.298 (CDRs) - Compilation Error - 'duplicate object with import, GSNAddress'
#209 opened by nickvsnetworking - 6
errors parsing OIDs in eUICC profile package
#210 opened by laf0rge - 5
get_at is not working correctly for SEQ OF as it always returns information for last instance.
#203 opened by dbressan2 - 1
RRCNR UL_DCCH_Message can't decode
#205 opened by ChuanRayChou - 2
Type mismatch error
#198 opened by mbrehler - 1
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Decoding NR5G RRC Message DL-DCCH RRCReconfiguration
#197 opened by mamkarim