
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Blood Tool

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Whats the difference between DDoSer v1, DDoSer v2, and DDoSer v3?

in DDoSer v1 it ddos ips with random port & bytes and it was so simple and in ddoser v2 it ddoses ips with custom amount of threads but, in ddoser v3 you can ddos ips with custom size of packets and through custom ports i recommend you to use ddos v3 cus its so better than others.


hmm so u need just to download python 3.11.0 👀

but if you cant no problem you can download it using some commands ✨

In Windows :

>>> install_python

In Termux :

$ Bash install_python.sh


In Windows :

  • 1 First Open powershell in file and then run this commands
  • 2 install
  • 3 run
  • Enjoy ✨

In Termux :

  • 1 pkg install git
  • 2 git clone https://github.com/P1shi/Blood-Tool.git
  • 3 cd Blood-Tool
  • 4 bash install.sh
  • 5 bash run.sh or python main.py
  • Enjoy 🎉
