This Programm is designed to generate Schedules for Students. It was written for this Master Thesis. The main goal is to make it easy to generate a regular Schedule for the Students of faculty informatik from the University of Applied Science Schmalkalden.
- JDK 8
- MariaDB
- ssh server
##Quick Start
- Log in to your MariaDB with root permissions and type in the following:
CREATE SCHEMA sgenerator_test;
CREATE USER 'sgenerator'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'sgenerator';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'sgenerator'@'localhost';
- go into the project dir
- done
The Programm will authentificate you against your localhost ssh-server
- log in
- define the timeslots
- define rooms and its availability
- define courses and groups
- define docents
- define lectures
- generate your plan
- edit the plan
- export the plan
- add tests
- internationalization