
Control your Bukkit Permissions with 2FA. Grant and revoke certain permissions when authenticated. Creates QR-Codes in virtual worlds generated by NMS packets.

Primary LanguageJava


A Minecraft Spigot (Bukkit) plugin for bringing Two Factor Authentication (2FA) to Minecraft servers.

How it works

You can set a List of permissions, which only get granted if a player is authenticated. After Permissions are granted to players, mcf2a removes the ones requiring a 2f Authendication.

One can verify himself, by using /2fa <6-digit-code>, after which he will be granted all missing permissions.

When a player enters it the first time, or the custom event is triggered, a virtual world will be generated for the player, to scan the QR-Code. The Materials for the QR-Code can be customized, the standart is black and white wool.