
Script to use exiftool on a Synology NAS to auto sort images from a folder

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


A script to rename, move and sort images and videos files from a source folder to a target folder.

This script is first writted to be used on a Synology NAS, but it will work on any System where bash and exiftool can be used. That means you can use this script in a Linux computer, MacOS, any other NAS working on Linux based system and even Windows with a Linux subsystem installed via WSL.

How it works?

To work this script need exiftool installed on your NAS. The best way to install this tool is to add a new package sources from http://www.cphub.net then you will have exiftool available as a package.

  • Create in your NAS a folder which would be the source folder of the script
  • Add images and videos inside this folder
  • run the script like ./synology-photos-auto-sort.sh /path_of_source_folder /path_of_destination_folder Full exemple : ./synology-photos-auto-sort.sh /volume1/Download/images_temp/ /volume1/photo
  • The script will move and rename photos and videos in taget folder like this structure : /Target_folder/YEAR/Year.Month/yearmonthday_hourminutesseconds.jpg
  • If a file with the same name already exist, there is a base64 file comparison to ensure that the content is different, if it is different the image will by copied and get a new name (same as target + unique ID), if the content is the same the image is copied in a duplicate folder
  • If exif data is not available, th script will create an error folder inside the source folder and move images and videos inside this error folder
  • A logs folder is available with all errors /duplicated listed by sync date

How to automatise this script?

Access to your NAS with ssh, then clone this repository.

  • ssh user@nas_ip
  • git clone https://github.com/Gulivertx/synology-photos-auto-sort.git

Add a new cron job to run periodically the script

  • sudo vi /etc/crontab
  • * * * * * root /var/services/homes/gulivert/synology-photos-auto-sort/synology-photos-auto-sort.sh /volume1/Download/images_temp /volume1/photo
  • sudo synoservice -restart crond

Replace gulivert by your username.

This rule will launch the script every minute using as source folder /volume1/Download/images_temp and /volume1/photo as target.