#Navision A Mobile Web Application to find your way in our school's building during open days
##Technos The Web App is based on a MVC in PHP,with a MySQL database and a PDO methods. basically, we use PHP to communicate between model and controller, and AJAX with JSON to communicate between controller and javascript From javascript we create a interactive map using Leaflet JS Library , and we place points of interest on route points using data received from AJAX. To get user's location we use this qr code scanner and administrater will put qr codes at key points of the building. We used Materialise css framework.
The Administration side works almost like the Client side but implementing a qr code generator instead of the reader, which allow the app to generate on the fly the qr code we need from the data used to create a point. ##Installation
Make sure you have apache2,mysql-server,php5,php5-mysql,git,wget and openjdk-7-jre packages installed before continue. If you want to compile the java sources, please install openjdk-7-jdk instead of openjdk-7-jre
run (in root / or sudo ):
cd /var/www/
wget http://tp.apremel.fr/install.sh
chmod +x install.sh
Now fill the configuration in install.sh(you can use any text-editor you want,here we use nano, in root or sudo):
nano install.sh
run (in root / or sudo ):
run (in root / or sudo ):
mysql -u root -p
then enter the password you entered during mysql installation
in the following commands, yourname and yourpassword must be the same than the ones your entered in install.sh
inside mysql run :
CREATE USER 'yourname'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'yourpassword';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON Navision.* TO 'yourname'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;
use Navision;
source /var/www/Navision/bdd/Navision.sql;
If the java jar file not working properly (usually do) you can recompile the class file and recreate an executable jar file
In the Navision Directory go in the java folder remove the previous class file:
rm -r bin/dijkstra/
to compile run this command:
javac -d bin/ -cp src/ src/dijkstra/main/main.java
and now we can create our runnable jar file go in the Navision folder in the java folder
cd Navision/
and create your jar file:
jar cvmf META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Navision.jar dijkstra/
the last thing to do is to copy the new file in the java folder
cp Navision.jar ../
add tada the new file is created you can test if the jar file work by running this command
java -jar Navision.jar
and if the main programme work
java -cp lib/mysql-connector-java-5.1.39-bin.jar:bin/ dijkstra.main.main
to access client interface (will only work on mobile terminals):
your.domain.com or yourip
to access adminstration interface
your.domain.com/admin or yourip/admin
and you MUST have allow your web server to follow simbolic link