Real NVP in PyTorch

Implementation of Real NVP in PyTorch. Based on the paper:

Density estimation using Real NVP
Laurent Dinh, Jascha Sohl-Dickstein, Samy Bengio

Training script and hyperparameters designed to match the CIFAR-10 experiments described in Section 4.1 of the paper.


Environment Setup

  1. Make sure you have Anaconda or Miniconda installed.
  2. Clone repo with git clone rnvp.
  3. Go into the cloned repo: cd rnvp.
  4. Create the environment: conda env create -f environment.yml.
  5. Activate the environment: source activate rnvp.


  1. Make sure you've created and activated the conda environment as described above.
  2. Run python -h to see options.
  3. Run python [FLAGS] to train. E.g., run python for the default configuration, or run python --gpu_ids=[0,1] --batch_size=128 to run on 2 GPUs instead of the default of 1 GPU.
  4. At the end of each epoch, samples from the model will be saved to samples/epoch_N.png, where N is the epoch number.

One epoch takes about 4 minutes when using the default arguments and running on an NVIDIA Titan Xp card.


Epoch 5

Samples at Epoch 5

Epoch 10

Samples at Epoch 10

Epoch 15

Samples at Epoch 15

Epoch 20

Samples at Epoch 20

Epoch 25

Samples at Epoch 25


Bits per Dimension

Epoch Train Valid
5 3.97 3.98
10 3.76 3.76
15 3.69 3.74
20 3.65 3.70
25 3.62 3.74