Computes sentiment analysis of tweets of US States in real-time using Storm.
- adezeStratigraph
- clonehulkBaidu
- dkocich@Skoda-X
- etlweatherFlorida
- firecodeAtlanta, GA, USA
- geekahertz
- glzhouBJ
- h4ck4lifeDev.
- humoyunLunit Inc.
- jgoteti
- jingbof🇨🇦
- kevinohashiReview Signal
- klauskdk
- MarioCerdanhttps://emberfund.io
- mariuccio
- masgari
- millecker
- Mithrandir0x
- naikwadi-sachinCharlotte, NC, USA
- neville-agius
- nxbdiAgile Mobile Developer
- owaaaOpenWhere
- rbandaraNew York
- ricardocunhaBrasília,Brazil
- singhpraveen2010PayU
- ssjsatishBangalore, India
- treperShanghai
- trieu@open-theta @rfxlab @USPA-Technology @bigdatavietnam-org
- vambatiPredera
- victordov
- victormpav
- weden1226
- wgpshashankCracking The Code Lab
- wnds
- yaoyao1024
- zhangy10Macquarie University