- 1
what if tool error
#241 opened by kaustubhnair02 - 1
What If tool returning error
#238 opened by guruvittal - 1
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- 1
Cant use fairness solution for regression so In that case How to mitigate the bias for the regression model?
#226 opened by Akankshaw - 11
No datapoints are loaded
#200 opened by isaavedr - 0
Unable to import Witwidget
#224 opened by SaurabhNair239 - 1
Custom Sprite Thumbnail Dimensions
#222 opened by LucasVandroux - 6
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- 7
UnboundLocalError("local variable 'values' referenced before assignment")
#216 opened by zabir-nabil - 1
what if tool for ranking model?
#214 opened by zabir-nabil - 3
#210 opened by callysthenes - 1
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Replacing model with predictions data
#209 opened by caitlinrs - 1
Does what-if-tool support lightgbm or xgboost or scikit learning models?
#207 opened by wangbingnan136 - 1
Multiclass classification
#205 opened by swaticolab - 3
How do I export "What-If-Tool" output?
#204 opened by tmbluth - 3
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How to share with external clients?
#202 opened by srikiran-cpn - 1
WIT with Lime?
#201 opened by brrbaral - 4
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Can What-if-tool handle multimodal structural data which has continuous, categorical, text and image columns?
#197 opened by wjlgatech - 1
How to generator my tfRecord file, I have generator my own TFRecord file, it's work ok on my local, but not work ok on what if tool
#195 opened by johnsGuo - 2
URL Parameters
#192 opened by whatevernevermindbro - 0
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Use WiT inside Streamlit app
#175 opened by AlexGidiotis - 7
witwidget doesn't display in jupyter notebook
#188 opened by KimmyHarry - 1
WIT and Object Detection
#189 opened by macclark3 - 2
Error while using Custom prediction
#187 opened by brrbaral - 4
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gcp ai platform jupyterlab+ explainable-ai-sdk + witwidget can not display what-if tools widget
#181 opened by fenglin-ssb - 0
Add "Optimization" to what-if-tool for analysis
#180 opened by tsereno - 1
Witwidget issue in JupyterLab
#179 opened by aishvarya - 4
Error displaying widget on Kubeflow 1.3.x JuypterLab
#178 opened by mkhaas - 1
What If on Tree data
#177 opened by rupjit-bo - 1
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error when run example with jupyter
#171 opened by xiongminghao - 4
WIT works on Multi-Class Classification ?
#168 opened by okanbuyuktepe - 5
Build errors with Bazel 4.0.0, 3.7.2
#167 opened by adamjstewart - 0
Build errors with Bazel 2.1.0
#166 opened by adamjstewart - 2
Model Resource Not Found Error
#165 opened by NazrulMiya