
Scripts in R-markdown to transform vcf data for single SNPs into data for visualization and filtering prior to analysis.


Scripts in R-markdown to transform vcf data for single SNPs into data for visualization and filtering prior to analysis. (based on harbor porpoise analysis in Morin et al. 2019: Data from the dead: genomic SNPs from poor-quality samples detect population structure in North Pacific harbor porpoise (manuscript in prep).

Files for test/demonstration:

  • vcf_target_SNP_filter_transform.Rmd
  • Ppho_340loc_trimmed2_largefiles_SNP151_minDP10_noIndel_lowGeno.test.vcf.gz
  • genotype_changes_100518test.csv
  • loci_to_remove_090518.csv
  • Loci_recall_minDP15_090518.csv