
Custom blocks for any Gutenberg-based theme.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

=== Easyblocks ===
Author:            Paul Mulliganiel
Tags:              block
Tested up to:      6.1
Stable tag:        1.5.3

Custom blocks for any Gutenberg theme.

== Description ==

Originally, these blocks were created in a redesign of Pull List, which is the author's comics and music blog. The author attempted to build them
with any Gutenberg theme in mind.

== Installation ==

1. Upload the plugin files to the `/wp-content/plugins/easyblocks` directory.
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress

== Changelog ==

= 1.5.3 = Add link functionality to Easy Gallery
= 1.5.2 = Styling for desktop and mobile
= 1.5.1 = Added Easy Gallery block
= 1.4.1 = Added Easy Image block
= 1.3.1 = Added Easy Group block
= 1.2.1 = Added Easy Button block
= 1.1.1 = Removed Post Carousel block, added Easy Curve block
= 1.0.1 = Added Post Carousel block