Project Management System

This is a project management system built using React for the frontend and Spring Boot for the backend. It allows users to add, delete, and view projects, as well as add tasks to those projects.


  • Project Management:

    • Add new projects with a title, description, and other relevant details.
    • Delete projects that are no longer needed.
    • View a list of all projects with their details.
  • Task Management:

    • Add tasks to each project with a title, description, due date, etc.
    • Mark tasks as completed or delete tasks as necessary.
    • View tasks associated with each project.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend:

    • React.js
    • Vite for faster frontend development
    • Axios for HTTP requests
  • Backend:

    • Spring Boot
    • Spring Data JPA for persistence
    • MySQL Database
    • HikariCP for connection pooling

Installation and Setup


  1. Navigate to the frontend directory.
  2. Run npm install to install dependencies.
  3. Run npm run dev to start the development server with Vite.
  4. Access the frontend at http://localhost:5173.


  1. Navigate to the backend directory.
  2. Import the project into your IDE.
  3. Configure MySQL connection properties in
  4. Build the project using Maven.
  5. Run the main class to start the Spring Boot application.
  6. The backend will be running at http://localhost:8081.


  1. Open the frontend application in your browser.
  2. Navigate through the application using the provided UI.
  3. Interact with the project and task management functionalities.
  4. Enjoy managing your projects efficiently!


  • [Parshav Andhariya]