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#Plasma Donor Application

TECHNOLOGY : Cloud Application 

##Software Required:

Python, Flask , Docker

##system Required:

8GB RAM,Intel Core i3,OS-Windows/Linux/MAC ,Laptop or Desktop
During the COVID 19 crisis, the requirement of plasma became a high priority and the donor count has become low. 
Saving the donor information and helping the needy by notifying the current donors list, would be a helping hand.
In regard to the problem faced, an application is to be built which would take the donor details, 
store them and inform them upon a request.




During the COVID 19 crisis, the need for plasma increased, while the number of donors has
decreased. Plasma is necessary for the survival of people with cancer, rare disorders,
immunological problems, and genetic anomalies. Every blood bank claims to be out of
blood, so we need to make people aware of the issue and offer support. Numerous camps,
seminars, and applications can be of great help.

##Project Workflow:

The user interacts with the application.

 Registers by giving the details as a donor.

 The database will have all the details and if a user posts a request then the concerned blood   group donors will get notified about it.