
It is a program that takes input, via STDIN, a "stream" of hands for a two-player poker game. At the completion of the stream, the program prints to STDOUT the number of hands won by Player 1, and the number of hands won by Player 2.


Each line read via STDIN will be a set of 10 cards. Each card is represented by 2 characters - the value and the suit. The first 5 cards in the line have been dealt to Player 1, the last 5 cards in the line belong to Player 2.


Go to the libs folder using windows power shell
Write the following command: cat ..\..\poker-hands.txt | java -jar .\PokerHandSorter-1.0.0.jar
Player 1: 263 hands
Player 2: 237 hands

To give manual input, stay in the libs folder
Write the following command: java -jar .\PokerHandSorter-1.0.0.jar
Give it an input of cards: 2H KD 6C TC TD 5H 4D 3H 2C AS
Player 1: 0 hands
Player 2: 1 hands


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update the tests as appropriate.