Primary LanguageC++

    APPLICATION : CSB Overview

Author: Aydin Buluc, LBNL, abuluc@lbl.gov
Date: 2/28/2014

- The official release with better instructions for compilation/running is here: https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~aydin/csb/html/index.html
- This github is to allow new development (i.e. OpenMP and OpenCilk porting, bringing the SpMM case vectorization to AVX2-AVX512)


- Class that implements the standard "compressed sparse column" format.
- Used for baseline comparisons.

- Production (final) class that implements "compressed sparse blocks"
- Nonzeros within a block are stored in "bit-interleaved" order
- Described in http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1583991.1584053

- Class that implements bitmasked register blocks on top of CSB
- Change the register block dimension inside utility.h (RBDIM), options are 2,4,8 (default is 8)
- Decribed in http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/IPDPS.2011.73

- Class that implements the symmetric algorithm
- Decribed in http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/IPDPS.2011.73

SYM/CSBSYM [do not use]: 
- Experimental class that implements a variant of "compressed sparse blocks"
- Nonzeros within a block are stored in row-major order
- Various optimizations are tried in this class, such as SSE, prefetching, etc.


csb_spmv(t)_test.cpp : 
- Driver programs for both sequential and parallel Ax and A'x runs
- Usage "./executable matrixfile nosym/sym ascii/binary" or "./executable" in which case read the ascii file matrix.txt if exists (only nosym works for now - special support for symmetric matrices will be available soon)
- Executables are parspmv, parspmvt, seqspmv, seqspmvt where names are self
- For parallel execution, you can specify the number of workers by setting
  the environmental variable CILK_NWORKERS.

- Driver program for the multiple vector cases of Ax and A'x (i.e. SpMM for AX and A'X) 

bwtest-mimd.cpp :
- Usage "./bwtest-mimd -n file_1 file_2 ... file_n" 
- Bandwidth test program that reads does SpMV's in n different matrices simultaneously
- pthreads implementation

oskispmv(t).cpp :
- Usage "./oskispmv(t) matrixfile"
- Compares the performance of our serial implementations with plain OSKI to reveal any anomalies

utility.h :
- Includes constants, preprocessors directives and utility functions
