This is a iOS network intercepter ,you can you this code mocking you network data ,inclue native code request and webView(WKWebView/UIWebView) request.
pod 'PBURLProtocol'
It's easy to use.
[PBURLProtocol setInterceptRule:^BOOL(NSURLRequest *request) {
//set up which requet will be block
return YES;
[PBURLProtocol setRebuildBlock:^NSURLRequest *(NSURLRequest *orignal) {
//rebuild the request
NSMutableURLRequest *req = orignal.mutableCopy;
req.URL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"https://www.google.com"];
return req;
//custom which scheme will be intercept(just aviable from ios 9.0)
[PBURLProtocol enableScheme:@"http"];
[PBURLProtocol start];