This is a simple console-based Library Management System implemented in C++. The program allows users to manage books and student records in a library. It provides functionalities for adding, modifying, and deleting both book and student records, as well as handling book issuance and returns.
Admin Menu: Access to the administrator menu to perform administrative tasks, such as creating and managing student and book records.
Create Student Record: Add new student records, including admission number and name.
Display All Student Records: View a list of all student records stored in the system.
Display Specific Student Record: Search for a specific student record by admission number.
Modify Student Record: Update information for a specific student record.
Delete Student Record: Remove a student record from the system.
Create Book: Add new book records, including book number, name, and author name.
Display All Books: View a list of all book records stored in the system.
Display Specific Book: Search for a specific book record by book number.
Modify Book Record: Update information for a specific book record.
Delete Book Record: Remove a book record from the system.
Book Issue: Allow students to borrow books from the library. Checks if the student has already borrowed a book.
Book Deposit: Enable students to return borrowed books, calculating any fines if returned late.
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone <repository-url>
Compile the C++ program using a C++ compiler.
Run the executable file generated.
When you run the program, you'll see a main menu with options to perform book issuance, book deposit, access the administrator menu, or exit the program.
To use the administrator menu, you need to enter a specific password or code (not implemented in this code). Modify the code to include proper authentication if required.
In the administrator menu, you can manage student and book records as described in the features section above.
This code is a basic implementation of a Library Management System for educational purposes. It may require enhancements for production use, such as error handling, password authentication, and a more user-friendly interface.
Feel free to improve and customize this code for your specific needs.