
Go from Angular UI Router to React Router

Primary LanguageJavaScript

STEP 1 - Refactor a section in React

Once of the most common approach for migrating from Angular to React is to refactor an Angular section in React and then using ngReact

Don't forget to run npm install again!

## Using ng-react

At this step, we add ng-react and react to the app. We need to modify our client/app.js to the following: angular.module('theApp', ['ui.router', 'react'])for enabling to use ngReact. We also need to require it before require('ngreact').

Refactoring the Feed

Here we refactored the feed component. You can see instead of having the controller of feed we have now only the feed-comp.jsx file. It's the refactoring from Angular to React.

At this point we still need to keep the template file. If you take a look at client/pages/feed/feed.html, you can see there's only one line: <react-component name='FeedComp'/>. It's the way of using React comp with Angular.

We also need to register this component as a factory for using it in our Angular app. For that, we simply modify our client/pages/feed/feed.module.js by adding the following line angular._factory('FeedComp', require('./feed-comp.jsx'));.

We are registering our FeedComp as a factory to our angular app. If you check the app.js file, you can see at the config time we register the angular._factory function. It's because here we want to register this factory dynamically (i.e. after the angular app has been boostrapped). That's why we keep a track of this functions available at the config for later use:

  // function to lazily register factories @codeSplitting
  angular._factory = function (name, factory) {
    $provide.factory(name, factory)

  // function to lazily register directives @codeSplitting
  angular._directive = $compileProvider.directive

Sum up

  1. We get rid of the angular controller.
  2. We keep the template for injecting the new react component.
  3. We get a React section in our Angular app

## Next steps

Let's let React take the controll of the app, go to the next tag!