
The PCBasPRO_0002 is an 2*motor controller board in development based on a JLCPCB parts. Ready for VESC6 up to 100V/200A design with individual gate drivers for all three phases. It is powered by an STM32F405 CPU and BLE WT51822_S4AT Capable of running Field Oriented Control at high power/voltages.


The PCBasPRO_0002 is an 2*motor controller board in development based on a JLCPCB parts. Ready for VESC6 up to 100V/200A design with individual gate drivers for all three phases. It is powered by an STM32F405 CPU and BLE WT51822_S4AT Capable of running Field Oriented Control at high power/voltages.

NOTE: Ongoing updates on text description, PCB and Schematic


  • 100V/200A continuous rating (RAW recomendation 84V/16A )
  • 22s Battery voltage rating (Safe for 6S to 21S LIP0/Lllon, Voltage spikes may not exceed 100V)
  • 1.5mm clearance on 100V (IPC-2221B, table 6-1, 51-100V on B3).
  • 3-phase FOC motor control
  • 4-layer smd design with individual gate drivers for all three phases
  • Onboard IMU STM32F405 ( USB-C, CAN and BLE ready with WT51822_S4AT)
  • 6mm trace for a copper rail (allow a increase of current)
  • 12V for gate drivers, 5V for CAN and IMU, and 3.3V for CPU and op-amped current-sense amplification
  • Cheap components available for ordering at JLCPCB and LCSC
  • 1 PCB is 100x50mm, 2 PCBs with easybreak (can be splitted later) is 100x100mm and can drive 2 Motors.
  • Easy to find 100x100mm heatsink with cheap price
  • Price target arround 5-10 euro extra comparing with nordstream3
  • Smallest transient loops possible
  • Extra ports connector (no unconnected pins on uC)

Current limitations:

  • Shunt resistor is 12W, arround 245A max;
  • RAW PCB trace of 6mm, arround 16A max @delta 40ºC
    • By apply solder past will decrease the resistance in 50% so can go for 32A
    • By apply 5*3mm copper will add 190A
    • Now if we consider the 3 parallel of the iqual resistors we will have 1/3 (something between 66%-50% not the 50% as before) so I expect more then 190A already!!! So go crazy!!!!
    • We can use this area to solder a copper heatshink to make 2 in 1
  • 2 Connectors XT-90 100A*2=200A
  • Mosfet 100V 268A@100ºC dont forget the heatsink and the follow info: Image

My next steps:

  • Evaluate ESP32...
  • Impedance match to stack-up
  • Re-calculate all power and current, from footprint and traces point of view
  • update PCB with privious topics.
  • Evaluate the CAN connection to have a dual motor control in 100x100mm board (really cheap at JLCPCB)
  • Get some people interested in Buy/testing the dual motor control (no material at home for that)
  • Start conversations with VESC tool or set firmware
  • Create an aluminium case (Pending from the selled samples

PCB Status:

TOP: Image Image Bottom: Image Image


This PCB is a combination of some ideas/work of the follow projects:


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