- 1
- 1
- 0
[BUG] Errors caught during the `slowtest` build
#7099 opened by Azhrei - 3
[BUG] SecurityManager is deprecated for removal and spotbugs complains about it during build
#7079 opened by Azhrei - 1
Dokuwiki output for PCs and NPCs
#7018 opened by evilsquid55555 - 1
How do I add a class archetype? DnD 5e
#7035 opened by KnightGabriel - 1
[BUG] PF1e Gnome size
#7016 opened by evilsquid55555 - 8
[BUG] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when opening the sources in the Adanced tab
#6797 opened by Lithyum - 0
PF1e some of the "core" sources are not available
#7017 opened by evilsquid55555 - 2
[BUG] Unchained Monk AC Incorrectly Calculating Too High
#6755 opened by Dhraiden - 1
[BUG] Can no longer use "gradlew run" to start PCGen
#6991 opened by megatog615 - 2
Markdown formatted Character Export
#6979 opened by Notsonoble - 0
[BUG] Domains not visualized correctly
#6978 opened by odraccir - 2
- 0
Custom Homebrew Creator
#6853 opened by exaCORE42 - 4
Let source loading follow symlinks
#6832 opened by larsnaesbye - 2
Downloaded Mac 6.09.05 release, but no dmg or pkg?
#6793 opened by hopelesscase - 0
[BUG] Planetar class has wrong classlevel bonus tag
#6774 opened by odraccir - 5
- 0
[BUG] Bard not getting Versatile Performance
#6752 opened by saint23thomas - 0
[BUG] UI does not scale with high DPI
#6749 opened by Dr-Turtle - 0
Add dark theme or custom theme support
#6748 opened by Dr-Turtle - 2
[BUG] Ability damage (Constitution) not applying
#6680 opened by snowe2010 - 2
- 1
[BUG] 3.5 - Dragonfire Adept cannot take Ability Focus
#6689 opened by Ed-Zero - 6
How to decrease wand usages
#6452 opened by snowe2010 - 2
- 0
- 0
Allow newlines in SPROP
#6631 opened by assafmendelson - 3
- 2
[BUG] 3.5 No Bonus Languages for Humans
#6559 opened by himazawa - 1
[BUG] 3.5e dual weilding is not working properly
#6560 opened by himazawa - 2
[BUG] Muleback cords don't affect carrying capacity
#6562 opened by snowe2010 - 3
[BUG] Langauge choice window modal and unclosable
#6517 opened by jfalconnet - 1
- 0
- 1
Logs remains blank despite failed loads[BUG]
#6523 opened by Runner-L - 13
[BUG] Cannot Export character to Fantasy Grounds XML.
#6240 opened by MTVExtreme - 2
- 2
Submitting to the WinGet/Microsoft-Store Repository
#6532 opened by Kaosarbitrium - 0
Starfinder Weapon Accessories
#6516 opened by kyuubi08 - 1
#6425 opened by jtblin - 1
[BUG] pcgen 6.09.05 - Starfinder problems
#6410 opened by Tregis - 0
- 1
[BUG] master build slowtest failing
#6361 opened by alanshutko - 4
#6348 opened by matheustsa - 8
failure to load sources on MacOS
#6290 opened by stevengj - 6
- 2
- 1
persistent preview variables
#6274 opened by kypvalanx