
Check by scraping on others webs about latest WordPress vulnerabilities to report by email

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

WordPress Vulnerability Warnings

Check by scraping on others webs about latest WordPress vulnerabilities to report by email.

With current set of the code you need open a free acount with SENDGRID and with SENTRY and get API KEYs.

With the use of those services this app can send emails with a report of new Vulnerabilities and also log the same new data on external services with the help of Sentry.

You could use only one of the two proposed services if you consider it and modify the code to adjust it. :)

Add file .env with your own setup


npm install

node src/index.js

Deploy to server

  • Remember that you need a server with node.js installed
  • If you use your own VPS I recommend that you use the service: pm2
  • Also you can try free servers like Heroku


  • @sendgrid/mail: send emails
  • @sentry/node: save logs on Sentry
  • cheerio: scraping on others webs
  • cron: repeat scraping each hour
  • dotenv: save API KEYs on hide file
  • lowdb: use db.json as simple database
  • request: request data from websites
  • request-promise: request in a promise mode