
Allow developer to create a quick and fast taxonomy system using CakePHP Framework

Primary LanguagePHP

Taxonomy Plugin for CakePHP 2.0 Beta


Copy this plugin in a directory called "Taxonomy" inside of your plugin directory You can now load the plugin in your bootstrap.php using


After you have to create the two tables (terms and term_relationships) You can create theses tables easily using the CakePHP Console :

cake Taxonomy.create

The behavior

Now the plugin is ready to use you have a "Term" model that you can use to store your taxonomy. If you want to add a Taxonomy to your model just add the "Taxonomy.Taxonomy" behavior.

You can now add a "term" to your model using


For instance

$this->Model->id = 3;

Moreover the behavior add a "terms" virtual field within your find results (if you properly set the recursive) and a "Taxonomy" index containing all your terms indexed by their type. If you want to create checkboxes for editing a specifing Taxonomy


For instance if you want to edit the pet of an User


If you want to find the list of some terms


The Helper

The Taxonomy helper allow you to create a quick and easy Taxonomy system Firstly you have to load the Helper

public $helper = array('Html','Form','Taxonomy.Taxonomy');

To create a quick and easy tag manager use

$this->Taxonomy->input('pet',array('label'=>'My pet'));

The first parameter is the taxonomy type The second parameter is an array of option (the same than FormHelper::Input);