
Modified blurring routines from pyblur

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Modified Pyblur

Modify function of Pyblur, also add StochasticMotionBlur


From pip: pip install git+https://github.com/PD-Mera/pyblur.git

Or alternatively git clone this repo and run locally

git clone https://github.com/PD-Mera/pyblur.git
pip install -e pyblur


Random Blur

Randomly applies one of the supported blur types, with a randomized bandwidth/strengh.

from PIL import Image
from pyblur import RandomizedBlur

img = Image.open("test.jpg").convert("RGB")
blurred = RandomizedBlur(img)

or you can modify DEFAULT_BLUR_FUNCTIONS to randomize with your own config

from PIL import Image
from pyblur import RandomizedBlur, DEFAULT_BLUR_FUNCTIONS

# print(DEFAULT_BLUR_FUNCTIONS) # Using if you want to see more config
blurFunctions = DEFAULT_BLUR_FUNCTIONS.copy()
blurFunctions["StochasticMotionBlur"]["intensity_min"] = 0.2

img = Image.open("test.jpg").convert("RGB")
blurred = RandomizedBlur(img, blurFunctions)
Click here to view default config
    "BoxBlur": {
        "func": BoxBlur_random,
        "prob": 1,
        "kwargs": {
            "boxKernelDims": [x for x in range(9, 15, 2)]
    "DefocusBlur": {
        "func": DefocusBlur_random,
        "prob": 1,
        "kwargs": {
            "defocusKernelDims": [x for x in range(9, 15, 2)]
    "GaussianBlur": {
        "func": GaussianBlur_random,
        "prob": 1,
        "kwargs": {
            "gaussianbandwidths": [x / 2.0 for x in range(3, 11)]
    "LinearMotionBlur": {
        "func": LinearMotionBlur_random,
        "prob": 1,
        "kwargs": {
            "lineLengths": [x for x in range(9, 15, 2)],
            "lineTypes": ["full", "right", "left"]
    "PsfBlur": {
        "func": PsfBlur_random,
        "prob": 1,
        "kwargs": {}
    "StochasticMotionBlur": {
        "func": StochasticMotionBlur_random,
        "prob": 3,
        "kwargs": {
            "stochasticMotionBlurKernelDims": [x for x in range(25, 35, 2)],
            "intensity_min": 0.0, # a float number in range [0.0, 1.0]
            "intensity_max": 1.0  # a float number in range [0.0, 1.0]


Click here to view example
High Quality
Box Blur Defocus Blur
Gaussian Blur Linear Motion Blur
Psf Blur Stochastic Motion Blur
