
Documentation for Recognizer incorrect

rmirabelle opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm finding mulitple issues with documentation. For example,

Variable name supprtStatus should be status:

// check if PDF417.mobi is supported on the device
RecognizerCompatibilityStatus supportStatus = RecognizerCompatibility.getRecognizerCompatibilityStatus(this);
if(status == RecognizerCompatibilityStatus.RECOGNIZER_SUPPORTED) {
    Toast.makeText(this, "PDF417.mobi is supported!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
} else {
    Toast.makeText(this, "PDF417.mobi is not supported! Reason: " + supportStatus.name(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

There is no class called RecognizerSettings:

// setup array of recognition settings (described in chapter "Recognition 
// settings and results")
RecognizerSettings[] settArray = setupSettingsArray();
if(!RecognizerCompatibility.cameraHasAutofocus(CameraType.CAMERA_BACKFACE, this)) {
    setarr = RecognizerSettingsUtils.filterOutRecognizersThatRequireAutofocus(setarr);

There is a class called RecognizerSettingsStatus. Is this the class that should be used?



AAR contains com.microblink.recognizers.settings.RecognizerSettings. I've just checked.