- 1
Show Network error when i try scan
#52 opened by ZweliShingange - 1
license Limitation
#50 opened by beshoo - 3
how to set the cameratype to front camera.BarcodeUi settings doesnot allow us to set the camera to front camera.Is there any possibility to scan with front camera.
#48 opened by techvedikasolutions - 1
#46 opened by Javimay - 2
- 2
How can I enable the sound?
#37 opened by dahiandrea - 16
pdf417-android titanium sdk module breaks at compile for android 6 and titanium sdk 6.0.0
#33 opened by UAGLuisPalacios - 2
IllegalStateException on Camera Random
#42 opened by skryshtafovych - 6
- 1
error combining pdf417 and blinkid (android)
#34 opened by mburumaxwell - 2
- 1
- 2
Pro-guard Rules are too broad
#23 opened by ScottPierce - 11
SGS7 Edge Focus issues
#18 opened by skryshtafovych - 7
- 7
Unable to parse sample Arkansas USDL
#20 opened by JonasPrap - 2
- 1
Documentation for Recognizer incorrect
#10 opened by rmirabelle - 1
setScanUPCACode(false) not working
#15 opened by JonasPrap - 3
Memory leak from RecognitionProcessCallback
#17 opened by xlsior - 3
- 7
#14 opened by mambrosicds - 9
Incorrect barcode scanned
#13 opened by JonasPrap - 1
Horrible at UPC recognition
#12 opened by tolmachevroman - 13
Options page does not apply immediately
#11 opened by postpersonality - 1
ClassCastException on setDontShowDialog
#8 opened by JonasPrap - 2
- 1
Maven is out-of-date
#4 opened - 1
Gradle-like usage
#3 opened - 3
Autofocus fail on android
#2 opened by fetchaquote - 1
- 2
Camera Not ready
#6 opened by Shivaji-Netwin - 8
US Driving licence
#1 opened by lanetteam-bhavin