- aapBerlin
- aloofschipperkeVancouver WA
- ams
- atsampson
- avindraUnited States
- BobKernsRetired
- chbarts
- crlf0710Beijing
- DFillmore
- drboone
- eak
- earl-ducaine
- eswenson1
- foxkitWayland, MA, USA
- ghergertSAP
- haasebeingmeta, inc
- henrysher
- jevinskieLafayette, Indiana
- jhcloos
- jslabovitzBarcelona, Spain
- kreelyAdaptable Solutions
- larsbrinkhoffGothenburg, Sweden
- LegalizeAdulthoodSalt Lake City, UT
- mekayamaelectrounin
- mveetyScranton, PA
- Nable80
- nkoch61
- NorimasaNabetatokyo
- olopierpa
- pepdiz
- popeyeotaku
- rcornwellNo Company
- rmaldersoniiiself-employed (retired)
- rogerturnerThree miles off the coast of NE England
- romanab
- thorhalbertPacific Northwest