
MindStudio Custom Function Templates

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MindStudio Custom Function Templates


Welcome to the MindStudio Custom Function Template repository, where developers contribute JavaScript functions specifically designed for non-technical people to use inside MindStudio. This repository is a hub where creativity meets functionality, enabling users to extend the capabilities of the MindStudio platform with custom JavaScript functions.

Contribution Guidelines

Development Guidelines

  1. Function Requirements: Each JavaScript function should be self-contained, well-commented, and adhere to standard coding practices. Ensure your function is tested and works seamlessly within MindStudio.
  2. Single-Purpose: Don't try to do too much inside a single function. Do one thing and do it well. This will help others to use your function effectively within their own apps.
  3. Naming Conventions: Use clear and descriptive names for your functions and variables. Avoid abbreviations and overly complex terminology.
  4. API Keys: If your function relies on third-party APIs that require API keys, include instructions to help users register for those services and find their keys.

Submitting Your Contribution

  1. Create a New Branch: For each new function, create a separate branch in your forked repository.
  2. Commit Your Changes: Make your changes in the new branch and commit them with a clear message describing the addition or change.
  3. Create a Pull Request (PR): Once your function is ready, create a pull request to the main repository. Ensure the PR title and description clearly state the purpose and functionality of your contribution.
  4. Code Review: Your PR will be reviewed by the community. Be open to suggestions and required changes.
  5. Merge: Once your PR is approved, it will be merged into the main repository, making your function available to the community.

Pull Request Review Process

  • Code Quality: Ensure your code is well-written, efficient, and follows best practices.
  • Functionality: The function should work as intended without causing any issues in MindStudio.
  • Documentation: Proper documentation for understanding and implementing the function is essential.
  • Community Standards: Respect the community while interacting and contributing.

Community and Support

  • Issues: For bugs and feature requests, open an issue in the repository.
  • Discussions: Join our community on Discord for support, to share ideas, and to collaborate.
  • Contribution: Everyone is welcome to contribute. Your knowledge and skills can greatly benefit others.