
Python IRC bot

Primary LanguagePython

Installation &c.

1) Run ./phenny - this creates a default config file
2) Edit ~/.phenny/default.py
3) Run ./phenny - this now runs phenny with your settings


For Windows users :
Go to your phenny directory, launch a command console there.

1) run c:\Python27\python.exe phenny
Of course depending on where your python is installed and what version it is the path might change...
The main idea to remember is to run the script from phenny's directory, not from python's directory

2) is the same as above. In case you're wondering where ~/.phenny is on windows, it is (on win7 at least) c:\Users\<nameOfYourUser>\.phenny

3) same as step 1.

Sean B. Palmer, http://inamidst.com/sbp/