
This is a repository of what I've learnt and what I'm studying now.

Pemidi's Learning Journey

This is a repository of what I've learnt and what I'm studying now.

I’m Learning now:

Software Engineering:

  • Programming Fundamental at "Azad University"

  • Advanced Programing at "Azad University"

    • Problom Solving
    • Python
      • Fundamentals, OOP, Design Patterns, MultiThreading, MultiProccesing, Packaging, Unit Test
    • Git
    • Databases
      • Postgres, Mongodb, RabitMQ, Redis
    • Web Crawling
      • BeautifulSoup,
    • Django
      • ORM, Class-Based Views, Forms,i18n, Payment Gateway, Signals, Caching, Celery
      • Django Rest Framework
        • Rest API, Serializer, JWT, Generic Views, Validate Data, Pagination, ViewSet, Throttle, Versioning
