
Taichi Frontend for Rust

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

rTaichi: Taichi Frontend for Rust


This repository lies the code for the Taichi Hackathon 2022 project "rtaichi".

A project design documentation can be found here (Chinese).


use rtaichi as ti;

fn fractal(t: f32, #[ti(ndim=2)] pixels: NdArray<i32>) {
    for (i, j) in pixels { // Parallelized over all pixels
        let c = [-0.8, ti::cos(t) * 0.2];
        let z = [i / 8 - 1, j / 8 - 0.5] * 2;
        let iterations = 0;
        while z.norm() < 20 && iterations < 50 {
            z = [z[0]*z[0] - z[1]*z[1], z[1] * z[0] * 2] + c;
            iterations += 1;
        pixels[(i, j)] = ti::select(1 - iterations * 0.02 < 0.5, 1, 0);

fn main() {
    let runtime = ti::init(ti::Arch::Vulkan).unwrap();
    let arr = runtime.allocate_ndarray::<i32>()
        .shape([16, 8])

    let mut t = 0.0;
    loop {
        fractal(t, &arr).unwrap();
        t += 0.3;

This project will utilize Rust's procedural macro mechanism to translate the Rust syntax tree of an attributed function into AOT python script. Because the lastest Taichi Runtime (TiRT) C-API supports creating AOT modules from Zip archives, we run the script to generate AOT modules in .tcms and keep them in byte array literals. At runtime we use a singleton runtime to keep AOT module objects and help dispatching the kernels with runtime objects from the taichi-runtime crate.

The project is subdivided into three parts:

  • rtaichi_attr: Proc-macro crate to generate Taichi AOT module and to rewrite Rust syntax tree during compilation.
  • rtaichi_attr_impl: Implemenration of Taichi AOT module generation and Rust syntax tree rewrite, with unit tests.
  • rtaichi: A meta crate to re-export items in rtaichi_attr and taichi-runtime with a global thread-local runtime to realize CUDA-like development experience. The only crate for a user to depend on.

Because the translation is done on a syntactic level, you have access to all the math library calls as in Python. Here are some of the equivalent syntactic structures available in rTaichi.

Description Taichi (Python) rTaichi
Type cast ti.i32(x) x as i32
Vector construction ti.Vector([1, 2, 3]) [1, 2, 3]
Qualified function call ti.math.acos(x) ti::math::acos(x)
Member function call vec.norm() vec.norm()
ND-array slicing arr[i, j] arr[(i, j)]

How it works

The powerful procedural macro allows us to implement compiler plugins in publishable crates to rewrite the token stream of a syntactic item. In this case, we used procedural macro attribute to rewrite the definition of a Rust function. We implemented a simple stack machine to translate Rust syntax tree into an internal IR. Then, in print.rs a temporary Python script is generated to build an AOT module archive. After that, in macro_gen.rs we generate a new Rust function body to launch the kernel. Concretely, it does the following:

  1. Lazily create a AOT module in the thread-local ti::Runtime singleton.
  2. Get the compute graph handle from it.
  3. Bind arguments.
  4. launch the kernel.
  5. Synchronize.

We enforce synchronization at the end of a launch at the moment but, in the future, it will be a feature that you can opt out.


To work with rTaichi, you need to build Taichi with the following CMake flags:


Then, set the following environment variable TAICHI_C_API_INSTALL_DIR to the installation directory. For example, if you have your Taichi repository cloned in C:\Users\PENGUINLIONG\Repositories\taichi\, your C-API install directory might be C:\Users\PENGUINLIONG\Repositories\taichi\_skbuild\win-amd64-3.8\cmake-install\c_api.

You can run the fractal example to verify your installation.

cargo run --example fractal


Currently we only tested rTaichi on macOS 12 (aarch64) and Windows 10 (x86_64). On Windows cargo test somehow hang on ti_destroy_runtime and I haven't figure out why at the moment. It seems some resource is not cleaned up in the right order.


Licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT license at your option.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this crate by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.