
Challenges for the PEQI hackathon

PEQI 2019: Challenges


We have prepared two sets of challenges which you can choose to work on during the hackathon. The first set is about integrating QKD into OpenSSL to enable running quantum encrypted TLS connections. The other set is a more open-ended exploration of distributed quantum protocols and applications.


Main link: https://github.com/PEQI19/PEQI-OpenSSL

The goal of this challenge is to run a user-level application over a connection encrypted using a QKD generated key such as a browser accessing a web page over HTTPS.

This challenge consists of two parts:

  1. Integrate a QKD API into OpenSSL
  2. Implement the QKD API library/system

The full challenge description and additional guides are available in this repository.

Skills required

This challenge will require you to modify the open source OpenSSL library and implement a QKD system in C. Therefore, you should be comfortable with the C language.

Knowledge of QKD protocols is not required, but would be helpful. Instructions and pseudocode are provided for implementing the QKD system.

Quantum Protocol Zoo

Main link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jiNrwHp9mOP1rv2L70fuviRThhhmLrhrLqDbcOx4pLM/edit?invite=CPfv_qoL&ts=5dbab30f#gid=0

This is an open-ended set of challenges based on the protocols described in the Quantum Protocol Zoo. There are two categories of challenges in this group:

  1. Implement the protocols using SimulaQron
  2. Design and implement applications that use these protocols

A summary of all the protocols in the protocol zoo and their difficulty ratings are available in this spreadsheet. If a protocol has already been implemented, a link will be available to the relevant GitHub repository.

Skills required

The SimulaQron network simulator has CQC APIs implemented in Python, C, and Rust so you should be comfortable with at least one of these languages.

No quantum protocol knowledge is required. Descriptions are available in the Quantum Protocol Zoo wiki.


Manual: simulaqron.pdf