______ __ __ _____ __
/ __/ /____ __/ /__ / /_ ____ / ___/__ ___ ___ ___ / /__
_\ \/ '_/ // / / _ \/ __/ /___/ / /__/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ \/ / -_)
/___/_/\_\\_,_/_/ .__/\__/ \___/\___/_//_/___/\___/_/\__/
Polymer component wrapping Skulpt and CodeMirror
Skulpt-Console is a web component built with Polymer that wraps Skulpt and CodeMirror in a text editor.
Install it with:
npm i --save skulpt-console
bower install --save skulpt-console
In your html file import the component and just drop the tag. You'll need a <canvas>
and a <pre>
tag with ids to output the result.
<link rel="import" href="bower_components/skulpt-console.html"/>
import turtle
t = turtle.Turtle()
for c in ['red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'lime']:
<pre id="output"></pre>
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
Skulpt-Console expects the pre element do be identified as 'output' and the canvas as 'canvas'. You can change the names passing the id to it.
<skulpt-console output="my-custom-output" canvas="my-canvas">
<div id="my-custom-output"></div>
<div id="my-canvas"></div>
You need this hack to refresh the editors on your site.
var els = document.getElementsByClassName('CodeMirror');
for(var el in els){
el = parseInt(el, 10);
if(!isNaN(el)) {
- Create an output element
- Console mode (as seen on skulpt.org)
Feel free to contribute by sendig a PR.