QUAIL Universal Analytics of Informatic Linkages

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Q.U.A.I.L. QUAIL Universal Analytics of Informatic Linkages

This is a project used to pull down and analyze data from REDCap. It places the project metadata and data into sqlite databases arranged by form.

Python Version Build Status

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   Q.U.A.I.L. Universal Analytics of Informatic Linkages


QUAIL is a python3 application. Make sure you are using the correct python and pip.

  1. Run $ python setup.py install This is not the recommended way of installing the application. Since this is a python module, it is recommended that it be installed with $ pip install ./QUAIL

  2. Check the install $ quail, you should get some output that looks something like this.

    Usage: quail install <root>
    quail redcap generate ( <quail.conf.yaml> <project_name> <token> <url> ) [-i --initialize]
    quail redcap get_meta (<project_name>) [ -q <quail.conf.yaml> ]
    quail redcap get_data (<project_name>) [ -q <quail.conf.yaml> ]
    quail redcap gen_meta (<project_name>) [ -q <quail.conf.yaml> ]
    quail redcap gen_data (<project_name>) [ -q <quail.conf.yaml> ]
    quail redcap make_import_files (<project_name>) [ -q <quail.conf.yaml> ]
  3. Goto $ cd examples/hcvprod_pull/DANGER folder. You may have to make this folder structure.

  4. Use your DANGER folder to store all your first test runs, it is ignored in the .gitignore so SHOULD not be included in git commits. This is up TO You to make sure you don't commit live data to github.

  5. Start by making a stub install that will create all your needed dirs and files, $ quail install DANGER/ your new directory should look something like this.

    $ ll
    total 8.0K
    drwxr-xr-x 2 cpb staff  68 May 17 14:35 batches
    -rw-r--r-- 1 cpb staff 106 May 17 14:35 quail.conf.yaml
    drwxr-xr-x 2 cpb staff  68 May 17 14:35 sources
    -rw-r--r-- 1 cpb staff   0 May 17 14:35 subject_index.db
    -rw-r--r-- 1 cpb staff 129 May 17 14:06 warning_live_data_in_here.txt
  6. Initialize this batch run using a real token and API url,

    $ quail redcap generate quail.conf.yaml hcvprod e3fc50a8NOTaTOKEN3df4b21ef20c29e https://myRedcap.org/api/ --initialize

    you should get some thing that looks like this

    $ tree
    └── hcvprod_pull
      └── DANGER
          ├── batches
          │   └── hcvprod
          ├── quail.conf.yaml
          ├── quail.conf.yaml.bak
          ├── sources
          │   └── hcvprod
          │       └── redcap.conf.yaml
          ├── subject_index.db
          └── warning_live_data_in_here.txt
  7. Now get the target projects MetaData: $ quail redcap get_meta hcvprod

    output looks like this (may take several minutes)

    $ quail redcap get_meta hcvprod
    Using quail.conf.yaml at /Users/cpb/code/senrabc.github.com/QUAIL/examples/hcvprod_pull/DANGER/quail.conf.yaml
    Pulling metadata for hcvprod
    Done pulling metadata for hcvprod
  8. Now, get redcap data as JSON ( this can take 10-60 minutes). This is a good time to write documentation ;)

    $ quail redcap get_data hcvprod
    Using quail.conf.yaml at /Users/cpb/code/senrabc.github.com/QUAIL/examples/hcvprod_pull/DANGER/quail.conf.yaml
    Pulling data for hcvprod
    Downloading Instrument cryoglobulinemia_followup
    Wrote Instrument cryoglobulinemia_followup to path /Users/cpb/code/senrabc.github.com/QUAIL/examples/hcvprod_pull/DANGER/batches/hcvprod/2018-05-17/redcap_data_files/cryoglobulinemia_followup.json
    Downloading Instrument conmeds_imported
    Wrote Instrument conmeds_imported to path /Users/cpb/code/senrabc.github.com/QUAIL/examples/hcvprod_pull/DANGER/batches/hcvprod/2018-05-17/redcap_data_files/conmeds_imported.json
    Downloading Instrument cbc_im_standard
    Wrote Instrument cbc_im_standard to path /Users/cpb/code/senrabc.github.com/QUAIL/examples/hcvprod_pull/DANGER/batches/hcvprod/2018-05-17/redcap_data_files/cbc_im_standard.json
    Done pulling data for hcvprod
  9. Convert the MetaData into a sqlite3 db

    $ quail redcap gen_meta hcvprod
    Using quail.conf.yaml at /Users/cpb/code/senrabc.github.com/QUAIL/examples/hcvprod_pull/DANGER/quail.conf.yaml

    You should now have a database called metadata.db that contains details about the forms, events, and lookup data values in your target REDCap project.

    $ pwd
    cpbmacs-MacBook-Pro:2018-05-17 cpb$ ls -lah
    total 516K
    drwxr-xr-x  6 cpb staff  204 May 17 15:16 .
    drwxr-xr-x  3 cpb staff  102 May 17 14:55 ..
    -rw-r--r--  1 cpb staff  290 May 17 15:13 batch_info.json
    -rw-r--r--  1 cpb staff 512K May 17 15:16 metadata.db
    drwxr-xr-x 83 cpb staff 2.8K May 17 15:13 redcap_data_files
    drwxr-xr-x  9 cpb staff  306 May 17 14:57 redcap_metadata
    $ sqlite3 metadata.db
    SQLite version 3.16.0 2016-11-04 19:09:39
    Enter ".help" for usage hints.
    sqlite> .tables
    arms              fields            instruments     
    events            instrument_event  project         
  10. Make sure you got back to the root of your DANGER folder, or whatever you named your root folder for this batch run. Then to create a sqlite3 db of all your data run (this can take a few minutes). Another good time to write documentation:

    $ quail redcap gen_data hcvprod
    Using quail.conf.yaml at /Users/cpb/code/senrabc.github.com/QUAIL/examples/hcvprod_pull/DANGER/quail.conf.yaml
    Loading metadata...
    Writing instruments tables...
    Writing checkboxes tables...
    Writing dropdowns tables...
    Writing radios tables...
    Done with the schema starting with inserts...
    Wrote 25869 many rows to the adverse_events table
    Redcap provided 23 many empty records for adverse_events
    Wrote 25064 many rows to the ae_coding table
    Redcap provided 15 many empty records for ae_coding
    Done with inserting data
    $ cd batches/hcvprod/2018-05-17/
    $ ll
    total 115M
    -rw-r--r--  1 cpb staff  290 May 17 15:13 batch_info.json
    -rw-r--r--  1 cpb staff 114M May 17 15:27 data.db
    -rw-r--r--  1 cpb staff 512K May 17 15:16 metadata.db
    drwxr-xr-x 83 cpb staff 2.8K May 17 15:13 redcap_data_files
    drwxr-xr-x  9 cpb staff  306 May 17 14:57 redcap_metadata

    You now have a data file with all your forms and events data for all your subjects in data.db. You can access it with sqlite3, just like you did the metadata.db. For information about the structure of data.db see the "Meta(other)" section of the README below.

Usage examples

TODO: Write Here

Development Setup

TODO: Write Here

How to contribute

  1. Fork it (https://github.com/ctsit/QUAIL)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

Release History

TODO: Write Here


TODO: Write Here


TODO: Write Here


TODO: Write Here


TODO: Write Here

Meta (other)

Detailed description of QUAIL and its motivations

  • Scenario Quilliam the quail wants a warehouse of data available to him which can link many different types of data together. It is important as well that it is able to pull down and analyze this data locally so that it can be backed up and reported on at future points in time.

  • Implementation ** Metadata This project has a lot of metadata involved that describes what is in the system. Therefore there needs to be a structured way to keep it around and instrospect it. We use a sqlite3 database that can be attached to other databases in order to hold this information

*** Getting started You will need to fill out the correct redcap url and token into the settings.yaml file so that the code knows where to look.

*** A note about subjects In redcap, there is a 'primary id' for uniquely identifying subjects. According to [[http://sburns.org/2013/07/22/intro-to-redcap-api.html][Ken Burns]] this is always the first value returned in a metadata request. Additionally there can be a secondary_unique_field which is given in a project info export.

*** Limitations

  • This has only been tested with longitudinal projects so far and none with repeat forms
  • This process can work to have multiple redcaps in the same database, but one needs to change the settings file for each one.

** Records This project is also meant to pull down the records so that they can be arranged in a way that makes querying easier. This process takes a long time depending on the size of the redcap. You should use the screen or tmux commands.

The records will be saved in the data_root field of the settings.yaml. If this is not provided, then it will save the records in a records directory in the location that the code was run.

*** Directory structure Here are some examples about where you would find information in a batch; all paths should be prepended with whatever your data root is

data path
the records for all subjects chemistry labs from redcap batch_name/redcap_data_files/chemistry_lab.json
the records for all subjects neuro labs from redcap batch_name/redcap_data_files/neuro_lab.json
the records for all subjects neuro labs from redcap, in batch_2 batch_2/redcap_data_files/neuro_lab.json

The batch name comes from a combination of the redcap name and the date it was pulled. The event comes from the unique event name in redcap. The instrument comes from the instrument name plus a '.json' extension.

** SQL metadata database Each batch has a metadata database that contains information about the redcap. This can be used to explore information about your redcap project and be used to build queries on the data.db in the batch root.

*** Limitations There are some parts of the code right now that do not utilize the metadata database to its fullest. They often will process the raw redcap data instead. This should be fixed so that there is one source of truth.

** SQL database of records

Utilizes sqlite3. Using the SchemaBuilder class the database schema is generated. It has been tested with sqlite3 on a mac.

*** Schema There are tables for each form. Those tables have columns for each field and then two additional linking the subject and event.

NOTE: there will be a form_complete field with every form which is not listed in the metadata. This is something that is a redcap default and will come down with the records so it should be saved in the database as well


col type
sql_id integer primary keys
subject_id text foreign key
my_field_name text
... ...
my_last_field_name text
form_complete text

**** Checkboxes Checkbox fields have a select_choices_or_calculations property in the metadata export. These are of the form:


It appears that the first comma is what delineates the value that is stored in the field from the displayed value. NOTE that the display can contain multiple commas, it is simply the first that separates the two.

These value display options are created in the sql database as lookup tables:


col type note
export_name text primary key what the key will come back as when doing an export
display text second part of the select choices
value text first part of the select choices

When pulling these records from redcap, the record object will have extra keys not listed in the metadata. The format is "fieldname___value"; the important part is the three underscores. These separate the checkbox fieldname from the value of the checkbox.


Which colors do you like?

  • red
  • blue
  • green

The export for this would look like: color___1: 1 color___2: 0 color___3: 1

We adopt the same thing for **** Dropdowns These are basically normal fields except they have their lookup values stored in the database. Tables that are drop down lookups are prefixed with 'dropdown'

*** Limitations

  • These sql databases are only able to take in redcap records at this point.
  • The setup for these databases in terms of what the keys are is not very configurable. There is work that will need to be done in order to make it automatically generate the right primary keys and foreign key relationships